United States Armies in the EastDepartment of Pennsylvania

< to June • July 1861 • to August >

Commanded by:
Major General Robert Patterson (to July 25)
Major General John A. Dix

The Department of Pennsylvania merged with the Department of Maryland on July 25. General Order #46 honorably discharged Generals Patterson and Cadwallader at the end of their terms of service on July 27th, and almost all of the troops of Patterson’s army mustered out at that time. Thus General Dix and his troops from Maryland (which became known as Dix’s Division) became the Department of Pennsylvania.

1st Division

Brigadier General George Cadwalader
1st Brigade Colonel George Thomas
6th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel James Nagle to Harrisburg 7/18 for muster out
21st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John F. Ballier to Philadelphia 7/31 for muster out
23rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles P. Dare to Philadelphia 7/20 for muster out
Philadelphia City Troop Cavalry Captain Thomas James
2nd United States Cavalry (Cos. ACF&K) to Dep. Shenandoah – 1st Brig.
4th U.S. Artillery (detatchment) Captain Abner Doubleday 1 8″ howitzer and 1 24-pounder
3rd Brigade Brigadier General Alpheus S. Williams
7th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William I. Irwin to Harrisburg 7/22 for muster out
8th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel A.H. Emley to Harrisburg 7/22 for muster out
10th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Sullivan A. Meredith to Harrisburg 7/23 for muster out
20th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Wiliam H. Gray to Philadelphia 7/24 for muster out
4th Brigade Colonel J. C. Longenecker (until 7/2)
Colonel Dixon S. Miles
9th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry C. Longnecker to Harrisburg 7/21 for muster out
13th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas A. Rowley to Harrisburg 7/21 for muster out
16th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas A. Ziegle to Harrisburg 7/21 for muster out

2nd Division

Major General William H. Keim
2nd Brigade Brigadier General G. C. Wynkoop
1st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Samuel Yohe to Harrisburg 7/23 for muster out
2nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh to Harrisburg 7/23 for muster out
3rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis P. Minier to Harrisburg 7/23 for muster out
Fifth Brigade Brigadier General J. S. Negley
14th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Johnston to Harrisburg 7/21 for muster out
15th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel R.A. Oakford to Harrisburg 7/25 for muster out
24th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Joshua T. Owen Early Aug. – to Harrsburg for muster out
Sixth Brigade Colonel John J. Abercrombie
4th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Levi Woodhouse to Dep. Shenandoah – 2nd Brig.
2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel George H. Gordon from Massachusetts early July
7/25 to Dep. Shenandoah – 2nd Brig.
11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Pharon Jarrett to Harrisburg 7/27 for muster out
1st Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel Starkweather to Dep. Shenandoah – 1st Brig.

3rd Division

Major General C. P. Sandford created 6/1
7th Brigade Colonel Charles P. Stone to Dept. Shenandoah, 3rd Brig.
1st New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Mason Tappan from Dept. Washington
to Dept. Shenandoah, 3rd Bde.
9th New York State Militia Regiment Colonel John W. Stiles from Dept. Washington
to Dept. Shenandoah, 3rd Bde.
17th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis E. Patterson 7/7 from Dept. Washington
to Philadelphia 7/23 to muster out
25th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
(Companies D, F, G, I and K)
Colonel Henry L. Cake 7/01 from Dept. Washington
to Philadelphia 7/23 for muster out
District of Columbia Infantry (det.) Captain Smead 7/7 from Dept. Washington
United States Cavalry (detachment) Captain Magruder 7/7 from Dept. Washington
4th United States Artillery Battery F Lieutenant Alexander Piper to Dept. Shenandoah, 3rd Bde.
8th Brigade Colonel Daniel Butterfield created July 10
5th New York State Militia Colonel C. Schwarzwaelder from Dept. Washington 7/10
to New York 7/30 for muster out
12th New York State Militia Colonel Daniel Butterfield from Dept. Washington 7/6
to New York 7/30 for muster out
19th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel John S. Clarke from Dept. Washington 7/6
to Dept. Shenandoah, 1st Bde.
28th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Dudley Donnelly from Dept. Washington 7/11
to Dept. Shenandoah, 1st Bde.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Troop Captain Thomas James to Dept. Shenandoah, 1st Brig.


11th Indiana Infantry Regiment  Colonel Lew Wallace from Cumberland, Md. 7/8
to Indianapolis 7/29 for muster out
1st United States Artillery, Battery E
1st United States Artillery, Battery H

* Generals Keim, Negley and Wynkoop were commissioned in the Pennsylvania Militia. Colonels Abercrombie, Miles and Thomas were commissioned in the United States Army

After July 25

Dix’s Division

1st Delaware Militia Colonel Henry H. Lockwood
6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Edward F. Jones returned to Mass. to muster out 7/29
3rd New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Samuel M. Alford from Dept. of VA 7/30
4th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Alfred W. Taylor from Dept. of VA 7/25
5th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel C. Schwartzwaelder from Dept. of VA 7/26
6th New York Militia Regiment Colonel Joseph Pinckney returned to New York 7/29
13th New York State Militia Colonel Abel Smith returned to New York 7/31
20th New York State Militia Colonel George W. Pratt returned to New York 7/31
1st Pennsylvania Reserves Colonel R. Biddle Roberts from Harrisburg 7/22
12th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel David Campbell
18th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William D. Lewis  to Philadelphia 7/29 for muster out
19th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Peter Lyle
22nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Turner G. Morehead
Cook’s Boston, Ma. Battery
2nd United States Artillery, Battery I  at Fort McHenry