United States Army > Army of the Potomac

May 1862 • to June >

Commanded by Brigadier General William B. Franklin

The 6th Corps was created on May 18, 1862. The 1st Division of the Department of the Rappahannock was transferred back to the Army of the Potomac in early May, and on May 18 it became the 1st Division of the 6th Corps. On May 18, 1862 the 2nd Division of the 4th Corps was transferred to the 6th Corps as its 2nd Division.

First Division

Brigadier General Henry Slocum from Dep. Rappahannock 1 Div.
First Brigade Colonel George W. Taylor (BG 5/18)
1st New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Alfred T. A. Torbert
2nd New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Isaac M. Tucker
3rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Henry W. Brown (Col 5/18)
4th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel James H. Simpson
Second Brigade Colonel Joseph J. Bartlett
5th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson
16th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph Howland
27th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Adams
96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry L. Cake
Third Brigade Brigadier General John Newton
18th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Young
31st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Calvin E. Pratt
32nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Roderick Matheson
95th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John M. Gosline
Division Cavalry and Artillery
1st Massachusetts Battery
Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery Captain William Hexamer
Battery F, 1st New York Artillery
Battery D, 2nd United States Artillery

Second Division

Brigadier General William F. Smith
First Brigade Brigadier General Winfield S. Hancock
6th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Hiram Burnham
43rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis L. Vinton
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Irwin
5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel Amasa Cobb
Second Brigade Brigadier General W. T. H. Brooks
2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry Whiting
3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Breed N. Hyde
4th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin H. Stoughton
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry A. Smalley
6th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Nathan Lord
Third Brigade Brigadier General J. W. Davidson
7th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin C. Mason
33rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Robert F. Taylor
49th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell
77th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel James B. McKean
Division Artillery
1st New York Independent Battery Lieutenant Andrew B. Cowan
3rd New York Independent Battery Captain Thaddeus P. Mott
1st New York Artillery, Battery E Captain Charles C. Wheeler
Battery F, 5th United States Artillery Captain Romeyn B. Ayres


from Dep. Rappahannock