United States Army > Army of the Potomac

 September 1862 • to October >

Commanded by Major General Franz Sigel

The Eleventh Corps transferred from the 1st Corps of the Army of Virginia on June 26, 1862

First Division

Brigadier General Julius Stahel
8th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Carl B. Hedterich
41st New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Ernest Holmstedt
45th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel George Von Amsberg
27th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Adolph E. Buschbeck
Second Brigade Colonel Nathaniel C. McLean 
25th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel William P. Richardson
55th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel John C. Lee
73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Orland Smith
75th Ohio Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Robert Constable
Division Artillery
2nd New York Independent Battery Captain Louis Shirmer
13th New York Independent Battery Captain Julius Dieckman
1st Ohio Artillery Battery K Lieutenant George B. Haskin

Second Division

Brigadier General Adolph Von Steinwehr
First Brigade Colonel George A. Muhleck
29th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Clemens Soest
73rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel William Moore
Division Artillery
13th New York Independent Battery
12th Ohio Battery

Third Division

Brigadier General Carl Schurz
First Brigade Colonel Alexander Schimmelfennig
61st Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Newton Schleich (res. 9/23)
Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty
157th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Philip P. Brown, Jr. from New York 9/25
74th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Adolph Von Hartung
Second Brigade Colonel Wladimir Krzyanowski
54th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Eugene A. Kozlay
58th New York Infantry Regiment Captain Frederick Braun
68th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Gotthilf Boury DeIvernois
119th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Elias Peissner from Washington 10/3
75th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis Mahler
Division Artillery
1st New York Artillery, Battery I from Army Virginia 1 Corps
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery I Captain Hubert Dilger
West Virginia Artillery, Battery C from Army Virginia 1 Corps

Cavalry Brigade

Colonel Luigi Palma di Cesnola 
1st Connecticut Cavalry Battalion  Major William S. Fish
1st Maryland Cavalry Regiment
4th New York Cavalry Regiment Colonel Christian F. Dickel (res. 9/10)
Colonel Louis P. di Cesnola
9th New York Cavalry Regiment Colonel John Beardsley
6th Ohio Cavalry Regiment Colonel William R. Lloyd from 2 Div. Cavalry