United States Army > Army of the Potomac
< to August • September 1863
Commanded by Major General Oliver O. Howard
The 11th Corps was transferred to the Department of the Ohio on September 25.
Second Division |
Brigadier General Adolph Von Steinwehr |
First Brigade |
Colonel Adolph Bushbeck | |
134th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Charles R. Coster | |
154th New York Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Daniel B. Allen | |
33rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Enos Fourat | from Newark, New Jersey 9/13 |
27th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Lorenz Cantador | |
73rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel William Moore | |
Second Brigade |
Colonel Colonel Orland Smith |
33rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel Adin B. Underwood | |
136th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel James Wood | |
168th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William R. Brown | |
55th Ohio Infantry Regiment | Colonel Charles B. Gambee | |
73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Richard Long | |
Third Division |
Brigadier General Carl Schurz |
First Brigade |
Brigadier General Hector Tyndale (to 9/19) Colonel Frederick Hecker |
82nd Illinois Infantry Regiment | Colonel Frederick Hecker (^ 9/19) Lieutenant Colonel Edward Salomon |
45th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel George Von Amsberg | |
143rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Horace Boughton | |
61st Ohio Infantry Regiment | Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty | |
82nd Ohio Infantry Regiment | Colonel James S. Robinson | |
Second Brigade |
Colonel Wladimir Krzyanowski | |
58th New York Infantry Regiment | Captain Emil Koenig | |
68th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Gotthilf Boury D’Ivernois | |
119th New York Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Edward F. Lloyd | |
141st New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William K. Logie | |
75th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Major August Ledig | |
26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel William H. Jacobs | |
Corps Artillery |
Lieutenant Colonel Louis Schirmer | |
1st New York Artilley, Battery I | Captain Michael Wiedrich | |
13th New York Independent Battery | 1st Lieutenant William Wheeler | |
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery K | Captain Lewis Heckman | |
4th United States Artillery, Battery G | 1st Lt. Eugene A. Bancroft |