United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to August • September 1863 

Commanded by Major General Oliver O. Howard

The 11th Corps was transferred to the Department of the Ohio on September 25.

Second Division

Brigadier General Adolph Von Steinwehr

First Brigade

Colonel Adolph Bushbeck
134th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles R. Coster
154th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Daniel B. Allen
33rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Enos Fourat from Newark, New Jersey 9/13
27th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Lorenz Cantador
73rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William Moore

Second Brigade

Colonel Colonel Orland Smith
33rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Adin B. Underwood
136th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel James Wood
168th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William R. Brown
55th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles B. Gambee
73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Richard Long

Third Division

Brigadier General Carl Schurz

First Brigade

Brigadier General Hector Tyndale (to 9/19)
Colonel Frederick Hecker
82nd Illinois Infantry Regiment Colonel Frederick Hecker (^ 9/19)
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Salomon
45th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel George Von Amsberg
143rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Horace Boughton
61st Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty
82nd Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel James S. Robinson

Second Brigade

Colonel Wladimir Krzyanowski
58th New York Infantry Regiment Captain Emil Koenig
68th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Gotthilf Boury D’Ivernois
119th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Edward F. Lloyd
141st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William K. Logie
75th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Major August Ledig
26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Jacobs

Corps Artillery

Lieutenant Colonel Louis Schirmer
1st New York Artilley, Battery I Captain Michael Wiedrich
13th New York Independent Battery 1st Lieutenant William Wheeler
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery K Captain Lewis Heckman
4th United States Artillery, Battery G 1st Lt. Eugene A. Bancroft