United States Regiments & Batteries > Ohio

The 130th Ohio Infantry Regiment lost 1 officer and 22 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

Organized at Sandusky, Ohio from the First Ohio National Guard. It was one of the “Hundred Days Men regiments” intended for short term rear echelon duties in the summer of 1864.
May 13 Mustered in under the command of Colonel Charles B. Phillips.
May Guarded prisoners at Johnson’s Island, Sandusky Bay.
June 4 Moved to Washington, D. C,
June 8 To Bermuda Hundred, Virginia.
June 9-21 Picket duty at Bermuda Hundred and at Point of Rocks attached to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Army Corps, Army of the James.
June 21 March to Deep Bottom, where one man was wounded.
August 11 Duty in lines at Bermuda Hundred and proceeded on transports to Fort Powhatan
September 16 Returned to Ohio
September 22 Mustered out at Toledo