United States Regiments & Batteries > Ohio

The 151st Ohio Infantry Regiment lost during service 10 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

Organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio. It was one of the “Hundred Days Men regiments” intended for short term rear echelon duties in the summer of 1864.
May 13 Mustered in under Colonel John M. C. Marble
May 14 Left State for Washington, D.C. Attached to 2nd Brigade, Haskins’ Division, 22nd Army Corps
July Assigned to 1st Brigade, Haskins’ Division, 22nd Army Corps
August Assigned to duty as garrison at Forts Sumner, Mansfield and Simmons. Companies C and G at Fort Stevens, Company I at Fort Smeade, Company K at Fort Kearney.
July 11-12 Repulse of Early’s attack on Washington, D.C.
August 17 Regiment concentrated at Fort Simmons
August 23 Moved to Camp Chase, Ohio
August 27 Mustered out