United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania > 17th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

“Quaker Regiment”

April 25 The  regiment was recruited and organized at Philadelphia as the First Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment and mustered in under the command of Colonel Francis E. Patterson, Lieutenant Colonel Robert O. Tyler and Major William A. Leech.

  • Company A- Captain
  • Company B- Captain David P. Foley
  • Company C – Captain John H. Gardiner
  • Company D – Captain Joseph H. Sinex
  • Company E – Captain Robert Thompson
  • Company F – Captain Alexander Murphy
  • Company G – Captain William Pritner
  • Company H – Captain Isaac C. Bassett
  • Company I – Captain William J. J. Braceland
  • Company K – Captain Charles M. Tapper
May 8 Moved to Perryville, where it joined Major W. T. Sherman’s artillery battery and five companies of the 3rd United States Infantry, then by water to Baltimore, Md., landing on Locust Point and marching to Camden Station.
May 10 To Washington, D.C. by rail where the regiment was quartered in the Senate Chamber.
May 12 Moved to Camp Cadwalader on Kalorama Heights.
May 15 The regiment’s designation was changed to 17th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
June 6 Merchants presented the regiment with drab felt hats, leading to their nickname, Quaker Regiment
June 10-July 1 Attached to Stone’s Command, Rockville Expedition
June 10 Marched to Rockville
June 14 Marched va Darnstown to Poolsville. Companies B and C were detached to Edwards Ferry under the command of Captain D.F. Foley with a company of Magruder’s Cavalry and a 12 pound howitzer.
June 18

Edward’s Ferry

Confederates across the river were dispersed by artillery and rifle fire. Company I joined the detachment at Edwards’ Ferry.

Captain Gardner of Company E took 20 sharpshooters to Conrad’s Ferry to silence a Confederate battery firing on the 1st New Hampshire Infantry, who had short-ranged smoothbore muskets.

June 29 Company D joined the detatchments at Edwards’ Ferry.
July 1 Companies D and I rejoined the regiment, which forded Monocacy Creek and marched to Point of Rocks, where Companies B and G joined.
July 3 Crossed Catoctin Mountain and marched to Knoxville
July 7 Joined Patterson at Martinsburg, Va. Attached to 7th Brigade, 3rd Division, Patterson’s Army
July 15 Advance on Bunker Hill company A deployed as skirmishers.
July 17 Marched to Charleston with companies B, G, and F as skirmishers.
July 21 To Harper’s Ferry. The news of the Union defeat at Bull Run led to a consensus that the regiment would remain a month past the expiration of its service if needed.
July 23 Forded the Potomac and marched to Sandy Hook.
August 2 Washington did not require the service of the 17th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, and it was moved to Philadelphia and mustered out