United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania > 51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

The 51st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 12 officers and 165 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 137 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by two monuments at Antietam.

July Organized at Harrisburg under the command of Colonel John. F. Hartranft, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S. Bell, and Major Edwin Schall.

Organization of the regiment:
  • Company A – Norristown, Montgomery County – Captain William J. Bolton
  • Company B – Northampton County – Captain Ferdinard W. Bell
  • Company C – Montgomery County – Captain William Allebaugh
  • Company D – Norristown, Montgomery County – Captain Edward Schall
  • Company E – Mifflinburg, Union County – Captain G. H. Hassenplug
  • Company F – Norristown, Montgomery County – Captain Robert E. Taylor
  • Company G – Centre County – Captain Austin B. Snyder
  • Company H – Union, Lycoming County and Snyder County – Captain J. Merrill Linn
  • Company I – Montgomery County – Captain George R. Pechin
  • Company K – Union County and Northampton County – Captain John E. Titus
November 16 Mustered in for three years Federal service and left Pennsylvania for Annapolis, Maryland.
January 9

Burnside’s Expedition to Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island

Attached to Reno’s Brigade, Burnside’s North Carolina Expeditionary Corps

February 8

Battle of Roanoke Island

February 12 Captain Austin B. Snyder of Company G resigned, and First Lieutenant William H. Blair was promoted to Captain of Company G.
March 11-13 Moved to New Berne
March 14

Battle of New Berne

The 51st Pennsylvania successfully charged the Confederate works.

March 21-22 Expedition to Pollocksville
April 17-19 Expedition to Elizabeth City
April 19

Camden, South Mills

The regiment lost 3 men killed and 21 wounded.

April Duty at New Berne attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Dept. of North Carolina
June 21 Captain George Pechin of Company I resigned. First Lieutenant Geogre Bisbing was promoted to Captain of Company I.
July 6-9 Moved to Newport News, Va. and assigned to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac
July 27 Captain Robert E. Taylor of Company F resigned. First Lieutenant Lane S. Hart was promoted to Captain of Company F.
August 2-4 To Fredericksburg
August 12-15 March to the relief of General Pope.
August 16-
September 2

Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia

August 28

Battle of Groveton (Brawner’s Farm)

August 29-30
Second Battle of Bull Run
September 1 Battle of Chantilly
September 6-24

Maryland Campaign

September 10 Captain John Titus of Company K resigned. First Lieutenant George Carman was promoted to Captain of Company K.
September 14
Battle of South Mountain

The regiment fought at Fox’s Gap.

September 16-17
Battle of Antietam

The 51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment was commanded by Colonel John Hartranft. Along with the 51st New York Infantry, it took part in the final assault that carried Burnside’s Bridge.

From the monument to the regiment on Branch Avenue:

Casualties at Antietam
Killed 21  
Wounded 99  Total 120

From the monument to the regiment by Burnside’s Bridge:
The following comrades were killed:

Lieut. Col. Thos. S. Bell
Private James Coulston, Co. A
Private William Somerlot, Co. A
Private Charles Keyser, Co. A
5th Sergt. Richard J. Williams, Co. B
8th Corp. George W. Bird, Co. B
Private David S. Hutman, Co. B
Private Henry G. Moore, Co. B
1st Lieut. David Hunsicker, Co. C
Private David McKane, Co. C
Private Simon P. Emery, Co. C
Private George Mayberry, Co. D
Private John Hallowell, Co. C
Private William Comer, Co.
Private Henry S. Lentz, Co. F
Private Henry Shultz, Co. F
Private James Dowling, Co. G
Private Miles Dillen, Co. G
Private William Wanrick, Co. G
Private Wallis Wiggins, Co. G
1st Sergt. Matthew Vandine, Co.G
1st Lieut. Jacob G.Beaver,Co. H
Private Isaac Beck, Co. H
Private Edward Bear, Co. H
Private Levi Marks, Co. H
Private Isaac Wittes, Co. H
Private Thomas P. DAvis, Co. I
Sergt. Albert Snyder, Co. K

And 84 others wounded.

From the War Department marker for Ferrero’s Brigade at Burnside’s Bridge:

On the morning of the 17th Ferrero’s Brigade was in position about a half mile northeast of this point on the Rohrback Farm. About 9 A.M. it moved to the left and, after several changes of position, was ordered to carry the bridge. The 51st Pennsylvania and the 51st New York were formed under cover of the hill overlooking this point; skirmishers were thrown forward to the stone fence above the bridge and behind fences and trees along the stream below it; and, under cover of the fire from the Federal Artillery, the two Regiments charged down the hill, carried the bridge and formed, under cover of the bluff, in the road beyond it. The 35th Massachusetts, closely supported by the 21st Massachusetts, followed and ascended the bluff on the right where, later in the day, it was joined by the remainder of the Brigade and led the advance to the Otto farm lane, where it became severely engaged and lost heavily in killed and wounded.

Late at night the Brigade was relieved by Welsh’s Brigade of Willcox’s Division and fell back to the banks of the Antietam.

From the War Department marker for Ferrero’s Brigade on Branch Avenue:

After Ferrero’s Brigade carried the stone bridge it formed under cover of the high ground north of it. Nagle’s Brigade formed on its left. Willcox’s, Scammon’s and Rodman’s Divisions formed in advance of them and moved on Sharpsburg. On the repulse and retirement of the three Divisions, Ferrero and Nagle advanced to check Confederate pursuit. The left and center of Ferrero’s Brigade halted under cover of the crest of the ridge beyond the ravine, the right (35th Massachusetts) continued its advance to Otto’s lane, 270 yards distant, and engaged the Confederates posted on this line behind the stone walls right and left of it and in the 40 acre cornfield south. The engagement continued into the night, Ferrero’s Brigade suffering much loss, the principal part of which fell to the 35th Massachusetts, which had 214 officers and men killed and wounded.

September-October Duty at Pleasant Valley. Major Edwin Schall was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Captain William J. Bolton was promoted to Major, and First Lieutenant Joseph K. Bolton was promoted to Captain of Company A.
October 27-
November 19
Movement to Falmouth, Va.
December 12-15

Battle of Fredericksburg

The regiment lost 12 men killed and 74 wounded. Captain Ferdinard W. Bell of Company B was killed, and Second Lieutenant Daniel L. Nicholas was promoted to Captain of Company B.

December 19 Captain William H. Blair of Company G was transferred to the 179th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment as its Colonel.
January 11 First Lieutenant Peter A. Gaulin was promoted to Captain of Company G.
January 20-24
Burnside’s second Campaign. “Mud March”
February 19 Moved to Newport News
March 26-April 1 To Covington and Paris, Ky. Attached to to Army of the Ohio
April 3 Moved to Mount Sterling
April 14 Captain Edward Schall of Company D resigned, and First Lieutenant Lewis Hollman was promoted to Captain of Company D.
May 6-7 To Lancaster
May 23 To Crab Orchard.
June 3-17 Movement to Vicksburg, Miss
June 17-July 4

Siege of Vicksburg

Attached to the Army of the Tennessee

July 5-10 Advance on Jackson, Miss.
July 10-17

Siege of Jackson

July At Milldale
August 6-20 Moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and assigned to the Army of the Ohio
August-October Duty in Kentucky
November Operations in East Tennessee
November 4-December 23

Knoxville Campaign

November 16

Campbell’s Station

November 17-December 4

Siege of Knoxville

December 5-29

Pursuit of Longstreet

January 1 The regiment reenlisted
January 11-March 9 Veterans received a 30 day Veteran furlough.
March-April The 51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment reported at Annapolis, Md. Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac. Colonel John Hartranft commanded the brigade as senior colonel while Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Schall commanded the regiment.
March 16 Captain Peter A. Gaulin of Company G resigned.
April 14 Captain J. Merrill Linn of Company H resigned. Adjutanat George Shorkley was promoted to Captain of Company H.
May 4-June 12

Rapidan Campaign

May 5-7

Battle of the Wilderness

May 8-21

Battle of Spottsylvania Court House

May 9 Ny River
May 12

Assault on the Salient

Colonel John Hartranft was promoted to Brigadier General.

May 23-26

North Anna River

May 24 Ox Ford
May 26-28 Line of the Pamunkey
May 28-31 Totopotomoy
June 1-3
Battle of Cold Harbor

Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Schall was killed leading a charge. Captain George Bisbing of Company I died of wounds received in action.

June 5 First Lieutenant John R. Gillilland was promoted to Captain of Company G.
June 11 Captain G. H. Hassenplug of Company E was discharged by special order.
June 16-18

First Assault on Petersburg

June 26 Major William J. Bolton was promoted to Colonel.
July 13 First Lieutenant William R. Foster was promoted to Captain of Company E.
July 21 Captain Lane S. Hart of Company F was promoted to Major and First Lieutenant Jacob P. Brooke was promoted to Captain of Company F.
July 30

Mine Explosion (Battle of the Crater)

The regiment was part of the assaulting column, but was not committed due to the crush of troops trapped in the Crater. Colonel William Bolton was badly wounded. Major Lane Jart took command.

August 6 Captain Lewis Hollman of Company D transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps.
August 18-21

Weldon Railroad

Major Lane Hart was wounded.

September Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps
September 1 First Lieutenant William W. Owen was promoted to Captain of Company D.
September 29-October 2

Poplar Springs Church, Peeble’s Farm

October 8 Reconnaissance on Vaughan and Squirrel Level Road
October 16 Captain John R. Gillilland of Company G mustered out at the end of his term of enlistment.
October 27-28

Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher’s Run

November 12 Captain George Carman of Company K mustered out at the end of his term of enlistment.
December 2 Commisary Sergeant Thomas Parker was promoted to Captain of Company I.
December 17 Major Lane Hart was discharged for his Weldon Railroad wounds.
January 15 Captain Joseph K. Bolton of Company A was promoted to Major. First Lieutenat John Coulston was promoted to Captain of Company A.
February 11 First Lieutenant Thomas D. Reed was promoted to Captain of Company G.
March 25

Fort Stedman, Petersburg

March 28-April 9

Appomattox Campaign

April 2

Fall of Petersburg

April 18 First Lieutenant William Melick was promoted to Captain of Company K.
April 20-28 Pursuit of Lee to Farmville. Moved to City Point, then to Alexandria. Captain William Allebaugh of Company C was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and First Lieutenant  William F. Thomas was promoted to Captain of Company C.
May 23 Grand Review
June-July Duty at Washington and Alexandria
July 27 The 51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment mustered out