United States Regiments & Batteries

Vermont furnished over 32,669 soldiers to the Union during the war, organized into 18 regiments of infantry, 1 regiment of cavalry, 1 regiment and 1 company of heavy artillery, 3 batteries of light artillery, and three companies of sharpshooters. Most fought in the Eastern Theater. *

Vermont Infantry

1st Vermont Infantry • 2nd Vermont Infantry • 3rd Vermont Infantry • 4th Vermont Infantry

5th Vermont Infantry • 6th Vermont Infantry • 8th Vermont Infantry • 9th Vermont Infantry

10th Vermont Infantry • 11th Vermont Infantry • 12th Vermont Infantry • 13th Vermont Infantry

14th Vermont Infantry • 15th Vermont Infantry • 16th Vermont Infantry • 17th Vermont Infantry

Vermont Artillery

1st Vermont Heavy Artillery • 3rd Vermont Battery

Vermont Cavalry

1st Vermont Cavalry