The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.

Last name First name Class
Babcock Orville E. M-1861
Babbitt Edwin B. 1826
Babbitt Lawrence S. J-1861
Bache Hartman 1818
Backus Electus 1824
Bagby Arthur P. 1852
Bailey Abslom 1856
Bainbridge Edmund C. 1856
Baird Absalom 1849
Baker Eugene 1859
Baker Laurence Simmonds 1851
Balch George Thatcher 1851
Bankhead Henry C. 1850
Barlow John M-1861
Barnard John Gross 1833
Barnes James 1829
Barringer John W. 1856
Barry William Farquar 1838
Bartlett William C. 1862
Bartlett William H.C. 1826
Barton Seth 1849
Bascom George N. 1858
Bates Francis S. 1850
Bates Joshua 1837
Bayard George Dashiel 1856
Baylor Thomas 1857
Beach Francis 1857
Beall William Nelson Rector 1848
Beardsley John 1841
Beaumont Eugene M-1861
Beckham Robert F. 1859
Beckwith Alexander G. 1842
Beckwith Amos 1850
Bee Bernard Elliott 1845
Beebe William S. 1863
Bell George 1853
Bell William 1858
Beltzhoover Daniel M. 1847
Benet Stephen V. 1849
Benham Henry Washington 1837
Benjamin Samuel N. M-1861
Bennett Clarence E. 1855
Benton James G. 1842
Benyaurd William H.H. 1863
Berry Thomas J. 1857
Best Clermont 1847
Beauregard Pierre Gustave Toutant 1838
Biggs Herman 1856
Bingham Judson D. 1854
Bingham Thomas 1850
Black Henry M. 1847
Blair William R. 1838
Blake Edward D. 1847
Blanchard Albert Gallatin 1829
Bliss Zenas R. 1854
Blunt Charles E. 1846
Blunt Matthew M. 1853
Board Buckner 1838
Boggs William Robertson 1853
Bolles Asa 1862
Bomford James V. 1832
Bond Adolphus F. 1851
Bonneau Richard V. 1852
Booth John C. 1848
Borland Harold 1860
Bowen Achilles 1850
Bowen John Stevens 1853
Bowen Nicholas 1860
Bowman Alexander 1825
Bowman Andrew W. 1841
Bowman Charles S. 1860
Boynton Edward Carlisle 1846
Bradford Edmund 1837
Bradford James A.J. 1827
Bradford Thomas C. J-1861
Bragg Braxton 1837
Brannan John Milton 1841
Breck Samuel 1855
Brewer Richard 1858
Brewerton Henry 1819
Brice Benjamin W. 1829
Brightly Charles H. J-1861
Brooks Horace 1835
Brooks William Thomas Harbaugh 1841
Brotherton David H. 1854
Brown Harvey 1818
Brown John A. 1846
Bryan Goode 1834
Bryan Timothy M. 1855
Bryant Cullen 1864
Bryce Joseph Smith 1829
Buchanan Robert Christie 1830
Buckingham Catharinus Putnam 1829
Buckner Simon Bolivar 1844
Buell David H. J-1861
Buell Don Carlos 1841
Buffington Adelbert R. M-1861
Buford Abraham 1841
Buford John 1848
Buford Napoleon B. 1827
Burbank Sidney 1829
Burnham Arthur H. 1864
Burns William Wallace 1847
Burnside Ambrose 1847
Burroughs George 1862
Burton Henry S. 1839
Burtwell John D. 1860
Bush Edward G. 1859
Butler John G. 1863

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Alphabetical Index of
West Point Officers
in the Civil War
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