The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.
Last name | First name | Class | |
Tallmadge | Grier | 1848 | |
Tannatt | Thomas | 1858 | |
Tardy | John A. | 1860 | |
Taylor | Joseph H. | 1856 | |
Terrill | William Rufus T. | 1853 | |
Tevis | Washington C. | 1849 | |
Thayer | Sylvanus | 1805 | |
Thom | George | 1839 | |
Thomas | Bryan M. | 1858 | |
Thomas | Charles W. | 1855 | |
Thomas | Francis J. | 1844 | |
Thomas | George C. | 1836 | |
Thomas | George Henry | 1840 | |
Thomas | Lorenzo | 1823 | |
Thomas | Robert B. | 1852 | |
Thompson | James | 1851 | |
Thornton | William A. | 1825 | |
Thruston | Charles Mynn | 1814 | |
Tidball | John C. | 1848 | |
Tidball | Joseph L. | 1849 | |
Tilford | Joseph G. | 1851 | |
Tilghman | Lloyd | 1836 | |
Tilghman | Richard | 1828 | |
Tillinghast | Otis H. | 1847 | |
Todd | John Blair Smith | 1837 | |
Todd | John W. | 1852 | |
Tompkins | Christopher Q. | 1836 | |
Tompkins | Harley Henry | 1851 | |
Tompkins | Daniel | 1820 | |
Torbert | Alfred Thomas Archimedes | 1855 | |
Totten | James | 1841 | |
Totten | Joseph Gilbert | 1805 | |
Tower | Zealous Bates | 1841 | |
Townsend | E. Franklin | 1854 | |
Townsend | Edward D. | 1837 | |
Trapier | James Heyward | 1838 | |
Treadwell | Thomas J. | 1854 | |
Trimble | Isaac Ridgeway | 1822 | |
Turnbull | Charles H. | 1854 | |
Turner | John Wesley | 1855 | |
Turnley | Parmenas T. | 1846 | |
Twining | William J. | 1863 | |
Tyler | Charles H. | 1848 | |
Tyler | Daniel | 1819 | |
Tyler | Robert Ogden | 1853 | |
Upham | John J. | 1859 | |
Upton | Emory | M-1861 | |
Van Buren | Daniel T. | 1847 | |
Van Cleve | Horatio Phillips | 1831 | |
Van Dorn | Earl | 1842 | |
Van Horn | James Judson | 1858 | |
Van Rensselaer | Henry | 1831 | |
Van Vost | James | 1852 | |
Vanderbilt | George W. | 1860 | |
Viele | Egbert Ludovicus | 1847 | |
Villepigue | John B. | 1854 | |
Vincent | Thomas R. | 1853 | |
Vinton | David H. | 1822 | |
Vinton | Francis Laurens | 1856 | |
Vliet | Stewart Van | 1840 | |
Vogdes | Israel | 1837 | |
Vose | William P. | 1864 |
Alphabetical Index of
West Point Officers
in the Civil War
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