The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.

Last name First name   Class
Tallmadge Grier 1848
Tannatt Thomas 1858
Tardy John A. 1860
Taylor Joseph H. 1856
Terrill William Rufus T. 1853
Tevis Washington C. 1849
Thayer Sylvanus 1805
Thom George 1839
Thomas Bryan M. 1858
Thomas Charles W. 1855
Thomas Francis J. 1844
Thomas George C. 1836
Thomas George Henry 1840
Thomas Lorenzo 1823
Thomas Robert B. 1852
Thompson James 1851
Thornton William A. 1825
Thruston Charles Mynn 1814
Tidball John C. 1848
Tidball Joseph L. 1849
Tilford Joseph G. 1851
Tilghman Lloyd 1836
Tilghman Richard 1828
Tillinghast Otis H. 1847
Todd John Blair Smith 1837
Todd John W. 1852
Tompkins Christopher Q. 1836
Tompkins Harley Henry 1851
Tompkins Daniel 1820
Torbert Alfred Thomas Archimedes 1855
Totten James 1841
Totten Joseph Gilbert 1805
Tower Zealous Bates 1841
Townsend E. Franklin 1854
Townsend Edward D. 1837
Trapier James Heyward 1838
Treadwell Thomas J. 1854
Trimble Isaac Ridgeway 1822
Turnbull Charles H. 1854
Turner John Wesley 1855
Turnley Parmenas T. 1846
Twining William J. 1863
Tyler Charles H. 1848
Tyler Daniel 1819
Tyler Robert Ogden 1853
Upham John J. 1859
Upton Emory M-1861
Van Buren Daniel T. 1847
Van Cleve Horatio Phillips 1831
Van Dorn Earl 1842
Van Horn James Judson 1858
Van Rensselaer Henry 1831
Van Vost James 1852
Vanderbilt George W. 1860
Viele Egbert Ludovicus 1847
Villepigue John B. 1854
Vincent Thomas R. 1853
Vinton David H. 1822
Vinton Francis Laurens 1856
Vliet Stewart Van 1840
Vogdes Israel 1837
Vose William P. 1864

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West Point Officers
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