35 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1823
9 served in the Civil War

Class of 1823 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

Edmund Alexander 33 Colonel USA
George Andrews 19 Lt. Colonel USA Retired 1862
Alfred Beckley 9 Colonel Resigned 1836. Unsuccessfully tried to raise 35th Virginia Infantry.
Commanded militia brigade.
George H. Crosman 30 Colonel USA Quartermaster staff
Hannibal Day 23 Colonel USA
George Sears Greene (bio) 2 Brigadier General USV Monument at Gettysburg
George Nauman 8 Lt. Colonel USA Died Aug. 1863, Philadelphia
Joseph R. Smith 22 Major USA
Lorenzo Thomas 17 Major General USA

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

Mark W. Batman 16 Captain Died on duty at Mt. Vernon Arsenal, Al., 1837
Egbert B. Birdsall 35 Captain Died on sick leave 1845
Richard D.C. Collins 20 Dismissed for financial impropriety 1841
John W. Cotton 32 Resigned 1845
Richard DeTretville 11 Resigned 1825; signed S.C. secession ordnance
John Farley 14 Resigned 1836
Frderick L. Guion 7 Second Lieutenant Died on duty 1824
Reuben Holmes 4 Captain Died on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1833
Charles Holt 31 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Ft. St. Philip, La. 1824
Julius J.B. Kingsbury 18 Dismissed absent w/o authority 1853, died 1856
Andrew Kinnard 12 Resigned 1830, died 1831
Albert S. Miller 34 Major Died on duty at Benicia., Ca. 1852
Alfred Mordecai 1 Resigned May, 1861
John E. Newell 28 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Carlisle, Pa. 1835
John Nicholls 29 Dismissed for conduct 1835
Levi Nute 15 Resigned 1838, died 1846
Elias Phillips 25 Resigned 1836, died 1856
Joseph A. Phillips 26 Resigned 1840, died 1846
William Reynolds 21 Resigned Aug. 1, died Aug. 30, 1830
George C. Richards 3 Second Lieutenant Died at Paris, France, 1825
Asa Richardson 27 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. 1835
Frederick Searle 10 Captain Died on sick leave 1853
Samuel M. Southerland 5 Resigned 1824, died 1836
Henry R. Stewart 24 Resigned 1828
George W. Waters 13 Resigned 1837, died 1846
Lucien B. Webster 6 Major Died on duty at Ft. Brown, Tx., 1853

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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