31 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1839
18 served in the Civil War

Class of 1839 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

Lewis A. Armistead Brigadier General Dismissed in 1836. Mortally wounded & monument at Gettysburg.
Henry S. Burton 9 Colonel USA
Edward Richard Sprigg Canby 30 Major General USV
Franklin D. Callender 8 Major USA
Samuel Kennedy Dawson 22 Lt. Colonel USA
Augustus A. Gibson 23 Colonel
Jeremy Francis Gilmer 4 Major General USV
Henry Wager Halleck 3 Major General USV
Joseph Abel Haskin 10 Brigadier General
Henry Jackson Hunt 19 Major General USV
Henry Bethel Judd 14 Major USA
Alexander Robert Lawton 13 Brigadier General
Edward Otho Cresap Ord 17 Major General USV
Eleazer Arthur Paine 24 Brigadier General
James Brewerton Ricketts 16 Major General USV
Isaac Ingalls Stevens 1 Major General USV Killed at Chantilly 1862
George Thom 7 Colonel
Charles Wickliff 26 Colonel Mortally wounded, Shiloh, Tenn., Apr. 1862

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

Lucius H. Allen 15 Resigned 1846. Major General Cal. Militia during war
Garrett Barett 25 Resigned 1847, drowned wreck of Lady Elgin, 1860
Joseph B. Boyd 18 Resigned 1841, died 1845
Robert Q. Butler 2 Second Lieutenant Professor of Engineering USMA; Died at sea 1843
Michael S. Culbertson 6 Rsigned 1841, died Shanghai, China, 1862
Edgar B. Gaither 28 Regiment disbanded 1848, died 1855
Henry D. Grafton 11 Resigned 1854, died 1855
John H. Hill 31 First Lieutenant Died on duty Puebla, Mexico, 1847
Thomas Hunton 27 Declined apointment in army aafter graduation
William Irvin 20 Resigned 1841, Died 1852
William H. Korn 29 Resigned 1840, died 1842
James L. Rankin 12 First Lieutenant Died on duty in riding accident, Savannah, Ga. 1845
Henry L. Smith Captain Died on duty Madisonville, La. 1853
William S. Smith 21 First Lieutenant Died on duty Kingsbridge, N.Y. 1849

< to Class of 1838 • to Class of 1840 >

Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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