43 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1852
36 served in the Civil War

Class of 1852 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

George Burgwyn Anderson 10 Brigadier General Mortally wounded at Antietam 1862; monument at Antietam.
Arthur P. Bagby 36 Brigadier General
Richard V. Bonneau 42 Major
Thomas Lincoln Casey 1 Major USA Corps of Engineers
George Blake Cosby 17 Brigadier General
George Crook 38 Major General
Matthew L. Davis 21 Colonel Died of disease Apr. 1862 (never joined regiment)
Henry De Veuve 12 Captain Engineers
Henry Douglass 31 Captain USA
Andrew W. Evans 26 Colonel
Hugh Brady Fleming 29 Captain USA
John Horace Forney 22 Major General
George Lucas Hartsuff 19 Major General
Milo Smith Hascall 14 Brigadier General
John Parker Hawkins 40 Brigadier General
John C. Ives 5 Colonel
August Valentine Kautz 35 Brigadier General
Lyman M. Kellogg 37 Captain USA
Alexander McDowell McCook 30 Major General
George H. Mendell 3 Major USA Cors of Engineers
John Mullan 15 Captain USA
William Myers 32 Colonel
John D. O’Connell 27 Captain USA
Edwin D. Phillips 41 Captain USA Died on disease New Orleans, La., Nov. 1862
Marshall T. Polk 23 Lieutenant Colonel
Charles H. Rundell 25 unknown Died in Peru during the Civil War
Henry Warner Slocum (bio) 7 Major General
David Sloan Stanley 9 Major General
Philip Stockton 33 Colonel
Peter T. Swaine 24 Colonel
Robert B. Thomas 18 Brigadier General* *rank in Florida militia
John W. Todd 6 Captain USA Ordnance staff
James Van Vost 8 Major USA
George A. Williams 34 Captain USA
Lawrence A. Williams 36 Major USA Dismissed March 1863
Charles Robert Woods 20 Brigadier General

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

Newton F. Alexander 2 Second Lieutenant Died on duty, Biloxi, Miss. 1858
Jerome N. Bonaparte 11 Resigned 1854. Grand-nephew of Emperor Napoleon I
Hezekiah Garber 43 Second Lieutenant Died on duty, Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1859
Sylvester Mowry 16 Resigned 1858
John Nugen 28 Second Lieutenant Died on duty Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1857
George W. Rose 4 Resigned 1856
James Watts Robinson 13 Sutler at Ft. Jefferson, Dry Tortugas during the war

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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