Confederate States Army Army of the Potomac

< to January February 1862 to March >

Commanded by Major General Gustavus W. Smith
D.R. Jones’ Brigade Brigadier General David R. Jones
7th Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Lucius Jeremiah Gartrell
8th Georgia Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William M. Gardener
9th Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin R. Goulding
11th Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel George T. Anderson
Wise (VA) Artillery Battery First Lieutenant J. Pelham
Toombs’ Brigade Brigadier General Toombs
1st Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles C. Williams (died)
Colonel William J. Magill
to Knoxville TN 2/10
2nd Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Paul Jones Semmes
15th Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas W. Thomas (res 3/26)
17th Georgia Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry L. Benning
Milledge’s (GA) Battery Captain Foster Blodgett, Jr.
Wilcox’s Brigade Brigadier General Cadmus Wilcox
9th Alabama Infantry Regiment Colonel Samuel Henry
10th Alabama Infantry Regiment Colonel John Horace Forney
11th Alabama Infantry Regiment Colonel Sydenham Moore
19th Mississippi Infantry Regiment Colonel C.H. Mott
38th Virginia Infantry Regiment Colonel E.C. Edmonds
Thomas (VA) Artillery Captain P.B. Stanard