Confederate Regiments & Batteries > Georgia
The 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment originally enlsted 932 men and recruited 551 more during the course of the war for a total of 1,483 who served in its ranks.
April | The 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment was organized when eleven militita companies were armed, equipped and mustered into Confederate States Service for 12 months by Colonel Ambrose R. Wright. |
May | The companies were transported by rail to Portsmouth, Virgina and camped outside the Navy Yard. They were the first Georgia troops to leave the state in the Civil War. |
May 8 | Organized at Augusta, Georgia under Colonel Ambrose Ransom Wright, Lieutenant Colonel James Sidney Reid and Major Arthur H. Lee. Mrs. Wright presented the regiment with a silk flag that she had painted by an artist in Norfolk. The regiment was assigned to Blanchard’s Brigade.Company A – “Burke Guards” – Captain William C. Musgrove Company B – “Brown Rifles” -Putnam County – Captain Reuben B. Nisbet Company C – “Dawson Grays” – Greene County – Captain Robert L. McWhorter Company D – “Madison Home Guards” – Morgan County – Captain Charles H. Andrews Company E – “Governor’s Guard” – Houston County – Captain Joel R. Griffin Company F – “Wilkinson Rifles” – Captain William O. Beall Company G – “Confederate Light Guards” – Richmond County – Captain Edward J. Walker Company H – “Young Guards” – Newton County – Captain Augustus H. Lee Company I – Richmond County – Captain Foster Blodgett, Jr. Company K – “Athens Guards” – Clarke County – – Captain Henry C. Billups Company L – “Clark County Rifles” – Clarke County – Captain Isaac S. Vincent |
May 19 | Moved in box cars to Suffolk in response to a rumored Federal raid |
May 20 | Returned to Portsmouth |
July 4 | Marched 10 miles to the camp of the 4th Georgia. |
August 5 | Company I was detached to become Blodgett’s Battery of Georgia Light Artillery under Captain Foster Blodgett, Jr. |
August 28 | Colonel Wright and Companies C,D,G&K were transported by steamer to Hatteras Inlet. |
August 30 | News was received that Hatteras Inlet had already been seized by Federal forces.A new Company I was attached to the regiment to replace the original which had become an artillery battery: Company I – “Carswell Guards” – Wilkinson County – Captain Nathaniel A. Carswell |
Septemebr 1 | Colonel Wright occupied Roanoke Island to protect the rear approach to Portsmouth. |
September | The rest of the regiment joined Colonel Wright. After establishing Camp Georgia on the west side of Roanoke Island Colonel Wright established fortifications around the island. |
September 27 | Captain Isaac S. Vincent of Company L died of disease at Camp Georgia, Portsmouth, Virginia. First Lieutenant James Hendon was elected captain of Company L. |
October 4-7 | Drove Federal forces from their position at Chickimaconico and returned, marching over 40 miles. One enlisted man died of fatigue. The regiment captured several prisoners and extensives supplies and equiment. |
December 13 | Returned by ship to Elizabeth City, then marched to Portsmouth. |
December | Camp was established in the suburbs a short distance from the Navy Yard, called Camp Blanchard. |
January 1 | Winter camp was established about a mile upriver from the Navy Yard. Wooden cabins were built, but it was still known as Camp Hardship. |
February 12 | Marched to Elizabeth City to cover the advance of Fedral forces and established an outpost at South Mills. |
April 12 |
Battle of South MillsThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment helped repulse an attack by Federal forces under General Reno. The regiment’s line was outflanked and forced to withdraw into its entrenchments, but the Federals did not follow up and withdrew. The regiment lost 5 men killed, 12 wounded and 3 missing out of the 350 men on the field. Lieutenant Joseph Wilson was wounded and disabled. |
April 28-May1 | The regiment reorganized and elected officers acording to the act passed by Congress. Ambrose Wright and James Reid continued as colonel and lieutenant colonel. First Lieutenant John R. Sturgis of Company A was elected major. Five of the companies elected their existing commanders while the other five elected new captains.
May 1 | Captain Musgrove of Company A resigned. First Sergeant Stephen A. Corker was elected captain of Company A |
May | Marched back to Portsmouth |
May 9 |
Evacuation of NorfolkThe regiment marched to Suffolk along the railroad. |
May 12 | Marched to Petersburg with Armistead’s Brigade. |
May 15 | Moved by train from Petersburg to Richmond |
May 16 | The regiment marched to Drewry’s Bluff and camped along Falling Creek |
June 1 | Marched from heights near Richmond to Seven Pines Battlefield. |
June 2 | Fell back to a line between York River Railroad and Williamsburg Road. Entrenched and engaged in picket duty. |
June 17 | Lieutenant Colonel Reid resigned. Major John R. Sturgis was made acting lieutenant colonel and Captain Edward J. Walker was promoted to major |
June 18 | Skirmished with 16th Massachusetts. The regiment lost four men killed and eight wounded. |
June 19 | Colonel Wright was promoted to brigadier general and took over the brigade. Lieutenant Colonel Sturgis became acting colonel, Major Walker of Company G became acting lieutenant colonel, and Captain John A. Hamilton of Company E became acting major. |
June 20 | One man from Company C was killed scouting |
June 25 |
King’s School HouseSkirmished with Kearney’s Union Division, losing five men killed and eight wounded. |
June 29 | Moved five miles southeast down the Charles City Road. |
June 30 | Resumed march, pursuing retreating Union forces until reaching a creek. The regiment then withdrew to the Charles City Road. The damp and unhealthy conditions over the past weeks reduced the regiment to 350 men fit for duty out of 750. |
July 1 |
Battle of Malvern HillThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment made a charge that one officer termed “sheer murder.” Fighting lasted until darkess, and the next day the dead from the 3rd Georgia and 1st Louisiana were found at the point of the furthest advance. The regiment lost 30 men killed, 93 wounded and 15 missing. Acting Colonel John R. Sturgis and Acting Major John Hamilton were killed. Lieutenant Zeddoc Crenshaw of Company L was mortally wounded. Acting Lieutenant Colonel Walker, Captains Lorenzo Luckie of Company I, Reuben Nisbett of Company B and Claiborne Snead of Company G, and Lieutenants Seaborn J. Bell, William Carswell, John Evans and James Wynn were wounded. After the battle Lieutenant Colonel Walker was made acting colonel, Captain Nisbet was made acting lieutenant colonel and John F. Jones of Company H was elected major. Lieutenant George W. Allen was elected captain of Company E and Lieutenant John S. Reid was elected captain of Company B. |
July 2 | Camped near the Malvern Hill battleground |
July 7-8 | Marched 12 miles across the pontoon bridge at Drewry’s Bluff and to Falling Creek south of the James River. |
July | Encamped along Falling Creek at Camp Ben Hill. |
July 22 | Captain Geer of Company C resigned due to disability. Ordnance Sergeant James Armstrong was elected captain of Company C. |
July 29 | Lieutenant Robert F. Cummings died of disease at Richmond. |
August 5 | Major Alexander B. Montgomery P.A.C.S. was assigned to command the regiment as all field officers and captains were unavailable due to wounds or disease. |
August 18 | Marched through Louisa Courthouse and to Richmond. |
August 19-21 | Continued march across the Rapidan at Raccoon Ford to Culpeper. |
August 22-27 | Crossed the river at Jefferson and marched through Salem and Thoroughfare Gap to the Manassas Battlefield. |
August 28 |
Second Battle of ManassasThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment was commanded by Major Montgomery until he was shot in the thigh. It lost 4 men killed and 22 wounded. Captain W.A. Wright, General Wright’s son, was badly wounded, losing his leg. Lieutenant Robert A. Dennis of Company B was killed. Captain George Allen lost his foot and would resign due to disability. Lieutenants William O’Brien, James Royal, Dennis Sanders and David J. Wright were wounded. After the battle Captain Nisbit returned to the regiment and assumed command. |
September 1 | Captain Billups of Company K resigned due to ill health. Lieutenant Davis B. Langston was elected captain of Company K. |
September 13-15 |
Battle of Harpers Ferry |
September 17 |
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)The 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment fought along the Sunken Road on the Piper Farm. Lieutenant Colonel Nisbit was wounded seven times and captured by the 132nd Pennsylvania. Captain John F. Jones took command of the regiment. Of the 125 men who went into battle 24 were killed and 48 wounded. Captain John Reid of Company B, Lieutenants John Ells and Reuben DeJarnette, and Ensign Isaac Reese were wounded. Only 42 men answered the roll call that night. |
September 18 | Crossed the Potomac to Virginia and marched to near Winchester. |
September | Marched to Front Royal and through Chester Gap |
November 2 | Reached Culpeper Court House |
Novemeber | In the organization of the army into corps the regiment was assigned to Wright’s Brigade of Anderson’s Division in Longstreet’s First Corps. |
End of November | Marched to Fredericksburg and took up positions on the left of the Plank Road |
December 11-12 | On picket along the bank of the river. It was snowing, and fires were not allowed. |
December 13 |
Battle of FredericksburgThe regiment was in a defensive line west of the Plank Road and was not engaged, but lost one man killed to artillery. |
December | Camped on Hazel Run near Salem Church. |
December 23 | Major Montgomery was relieved as major due to disability from his wound. |
December 30 | Captain John F. Jones of Company I was promoted to major. |
January 1 | Marched toward Chancellorsville to cover the return of Stuart’s cavalry from a raid. |
January | Moved 10 miles to United States Ford and built defenses around the ford. |
February 19 | Captain Carswell of Company I resigned due to rhuematism. |
March | Moved to camp near Massaponax Church. Lieutenant William E. Carswell of Company I was elected captain. |
April 29 | Marched to junction of the Turnpike and the Plank Road, forming a defensive line on Old Mine Road. |
May 1 -3 |
Battle of ChancellorsvilleOn the 1st the regiment was placed in the lead of the brigade and drove Federal troops back into earthworks around Chancellorsville. The next day it defended earthworks south of Chancellorsville from Confederate attack. Relieved by Mahone’s Brigade at nighfall. At daybreak on the 3rd the regiment moved forward and drove the Federals from their position at Chancellorsville, taking hundreds of prisoners. Major Jones was wounded, losing his right arm and retiring to the Invalid Corps, and Captain C.H. Andrews of Company D took over the regiment. Captain James Armstrong of Company C was killed. Lieutenants James Lindsey, Reuben McAlpin and James Royal and Ensign Isaac Reese were wounded. Lieutenant Dennis Sanders of Company C was elected captain. |
May 4 |
Battle of Salem ChurchMarched toward Fredericksburg. Took up line of battle near Hazel Run and drove Federal forces across Banks Ford. The regiment lost 16 men killed and 115 wounded in the Chancellorsville Campaign. |
May 5 | Marched back to Chancellorsville, but Federal forces had withdrawn by this time. |
May 12 | Alexander Montgomery was elected lieutenant colonel. |
May 16 | Lieutenant Colonel Montgomery was promoted to colonel. |
June 5 | Moved to Fredericksburg and took position at the base of Marye’s Heights. |
June | The regiment was assigned to Wright’s brigade of Anderson’s Division, which was transferred to A.P. Hill’s newly created Third Corps. Colonel Edward J. Walker returned from convalescing from his Malvern Hill wound to command the regiment. |
June 22 | Reached Charlestown after crossing Chester Gap. |
June 23 | Marched to Shepherdstown, crossed the Potomac at Botelers Ford, rested briefly at Sharpsburg then moved on to camp at Boonsborough. Religious services were held by the chaplain in the street in front of the hotel. |
June 26 | The regiment moved through Hagerstown and into Pennsylvania. |
June 27 | Marched through Greencastle and to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. |
July 1 | Marched over South Mountain on the turnpike to Gettysburg. Cannonfire could be heard when the regiment reached the top of the pass. It reached the battlefield at dusk, crossed Willoughby Run, and bivouaced in the woods to the south of the turnpike. |
July 2 – 3 |
Battle of GettysburgThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment went into line on Seminary Ridge. Late in the day it took part in Longstreet’s assault, attacking across Emmitsburg Road at the Codori Farm and across the fields to Cemetery Ridge, capturing a number of cannon and prisoners. The brigade had outdistanced the Confederate units on its right flank, and those on its left had failed to attack. A Federal counterattack enveloped the brigade on both sides and forced it back with heavy casualties. The 3rd Georgia began the charge with 500 men and had only 200 left at the end of the day. Company G, on the exposed left flank, lost 38 out of 45 men. The regiment did not take part in Pickett’s Charge on the 3rd, but advanced to cover the retreat of Pickett’s Division. Its casualties for the battle were 41 men killed and 148 wounded. Ensign Alexander Langston of Company C was killed carrying the colors. Lieutenants Mathew Rice and Seaborn Bell were wounded, both losing a leg. Captains John Reid of Company B and Dennis Sanders of Company C were wounded and captured. Lieutenant James Lindsey was mortally wounded and captured. Captains William Carswell of Company I and Joseph McCrea of Company L, Adjutant Samuel L. Alexander and Lieutenant Seaborn J. Bell were wounded. Captains Stephen Corker of Company A and Clairborne Snead of Company G and Lieutenant Reuben McAlpin were captured. |
July 4-5 | Large campfires were built, then the regiment marched at dusk to Fairfield and over Monterey Pass to Maryland and into defensive lines near Hagerstown. |
July 6 | Captain Joseph McCrea of Company L, being evacuated with the wounded, was captured at Williamsport, Virginia |
July 13 | Moved to the Potomac River crossing at Falling Waters. |
July 14 | Crossed the Potomac, then marched through Martinsburg to Bunker Hill. Colonel Walker was put in temporary command of the brigade while General Wright was placed under arrest for disobedience. |
July 23 |
Battle of Manassas Gap or Wapping HeightsMarched 5 miles to Manassas Gap and took position there, then advanced to Wapping Heights. The badly outnumbered brigade of about 600 men was attacked by two Federal corps and held their position for several hours until forced back upon Ewell’s Second Corps. The regiment lost 14 men killed and 45 wounded. Colonel Walker was wounded, and Captain Andrews assumed command. Adjutant John Ells was wounded. |
July | Moved to Culpeper Court House. |
September 5 | Crossed the Rapidan River to Orange Court House. Lt. Colonel Nisbet returned from his Sharpsburg wound to take command of the regiment. |
September 21 | Moved to Clark’s Mountain, picketing Robertson’s Ford. |
October 18 | The regiment marched to Brandy Station and encamped. |
November 8 | Moved to the railroad bridge over the Rapidan River and entrenced on a bridgehead north of the river. |
Late November | Marched downriver on the Plank Road to meet Federal skirmishers at Mine Run |
November 30 |
Mine RunLieutenant John Turnell wounded. |
mid-December | Returned to the Rapidan River bridgehead. |
December 28 | Marched to Madison Station and built cabins for winter quarters. |
January 7 | Captain Charles Andrews of Company C resigned due to disability. |
February 5 | The regiment unanimously elected to re-enlist |
March 1-5 | Moved to Gordonsville during the Dahlgren raid, then returned to camp. |
March 15 | A heavy snowstorm led to snowball fights with the 22nd and 48th Georgia and Mahone’s BrigadeCaptain Dennis Sanders of Company C was paroled at the Jonson’s Island prison camp and transferred to Point Lookout, Maryland for exchange, but his exchange would not be carried out until March of 1865. |
May 4 | Broke camp and marched to the Rapidan ford. Lt. Colonel Nisbet detailed to Augusta due to disability from wounds |
May 5-6 |
Battle of the WildernessThe regiment moved down the Plank Road toward Fredericksburg, reaching the battlefield mid-morning. The regiment remained in reserve and was not engaged but lost one man killed and another wounded. |
May 8 | Marched to Spotsylvania Court House |
May 9 | Went into line of battle on the right of the line. |
May 10 | Moved to the extreme left of the Confederate lineguarding the Po River crossing |
May 11 | Heavily engaged at the Po River crossing |
May 13-14 |
Battle of Spotsylvania Court HouseReturned to the right of the Confederate line and drove Federal forces back from their earthworks in a twenty minute battle. The regiment lost 22 men killed and 56 wounded in the battle. Captain David Langston of Comany K was wounded and disabled from field service. |
May 21 | Moved to the North Anna River, defending the river crossing at Quarles Mill. |
May 27 | Marched to Cold Harbor and took position on Turkey Ridge on the extreme right of the Confederate line. |
June 3 |
Battle of Cold Harbor |
June | Marched to Petersburg. |
June 22 | Battle of Weldon Road at PetersburgCaptured the flag of the 15th Massachusetts. Captain William Carswell was wounded. |
July 30 |
Battle of the CraterThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment lost heavily fighting to re-take Confederate defensive lines. Captain Josphe McCrea of Company L had just returned from being a Federal prisoner since Gettysburg to take command of the regiment and was killed. Captain Lorenzo Luckie of Company I was mortally wounded and would die on August 2. Adjutant Alexander was wounded. |
August 4 | Major Jones retired to the invalid corps. Captain Evans of Company I was elected captain of Company I. |
August 15 | Lieutenant George E. Hayes of Company K was promoted to major |
August 16 |
Battle of Deep BottomLieutenant James Wynn of Company I was killed and Lieutenant David J. Wright of Company A was wounded and disabled. |
August 21 |
Weldon RailroadMajor Hayes was killed. Colonel Edward Walker died at his home of his Manassas Gap of wounds and disease. Claiborne Snead was promoted to lieutenant colonel on the recommendation of General Wright |
September-October | Occupied trench lines at Petersburg, with daily picket fighting. |
September 15 | Colonel Montgomery assigned to duty as Commandant of Prisoners in Charleston S.C. |
October 28 | Withdrawn from the frounf and laced in reserve. |
November 6 | Returned to the trenches in front of Petersburg. |
December 7 | Marched to Burgess and then Bellefield. |
December 10 | Attacked rear of Federal column wrecking the railroad and drove them off. |
December 13 | Returned t Petersburg lines. |
February 5 | Moved to Hatchers Run to block a Federal advance. |
February 6 |
Battle of Hatchers RunLieutenants Robert Hyman and John Turnell were wounded. |
March 4 | Moved from Petersburg to relieve Pickett’s Division north of the James. |
April 2 | Repulsed a Federal attack, then was withdrawn to Chesterfield Court House. |
April 3 | Lieutenant Turnell was captured in a Richmond hospital when that city fell. |
April 7 | Made up part of the rear guard of Lee’s army in the retreat to Appomattox, fighting near Farmville. Lieutenant Allen Andrew was captured.Lt. Colonel Snead returned from Federal prison to take command of the regiment, bringing a new flag. |
April 9 |
Appomattox Court HouseThe 3rd Georgia Infantry Regiment surrendered 12 officers and 236 men. Lieutenant Colonel Snead had kept the tattered and torn remnant of the original flag and gave it to Lieutenant Garrett Oglesby for safekeeping.The flag was eventually returned to Lieutenant Colonel Snead and given to the State of Georgia. |