Confederate Regiments & BatteriesNorth Carolina * 28th North Carolina Infantry Regiment

September 21 The 28th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was organized for one year’s service near High Point at Camp Fisher, under the command of Colonel James H. Lane (VMI Class of 1854), Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lowe and Major Richard Reeves.

  • Company A – “Surry Regulators” – Surry County, Captain William M. Norman
  • Company B – “Gaston Invincibles” – Gaston County, Captain Edwards
  • Company C – “South Fork Farmers” – Catawba County, Captain Samuel D. Lowe
  • Company D – “Stanly Yankee Hunters” – Stanly County, Captain Montgomery
  • Company E – “Montgomery Grays” – Montgomery County, Captain William D. Barringer
  • Company F – “Yadkin boys” – Yadkin County, Captain Kinyoun
  • Company G – “Guards of Independence” – Orange County, Captain Martin
  • Company H – “Cleveland Regulators” – Cleveland County, Captain Wright
  • Company I – “Yadkin Stars” – Yadkin County Captain William H. A. Speer
  • Company K – “Stanley guards” – Stanley County, Captain Moody

Staff Officer Nicholas Gibbon and Surgeon Robert Gibbon were brothers to Union Major General John Gibbon.

October Assigned to District of Cape Fear, Department of North Carolina.
March Assigned to Branch’s Brigade, District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina.
March  14

New Bern

April 12 Reorganized for the duration of the war. Assigned to Branch’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina. Captain Samuel D. Lowe of Company C was promoted to major and Lieutenant T. James Linebarger to captain of Company C. John Kenyon of Company F resigned and was replaced by Captian Thomas V. Apperson.
May Moved to Virginia, mustering 1,199 men. Assigned to Branch’s Brigade, A.P. Hill’s Division, Department of Northern Virginia.
May 27

Hanover Court House

Captain Speer and 15 men were captured.

June-July A.P. Hill’s Division was attached to Longstreet’s Command, Army of Northern Virginia.
June 10 Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lowe died.
June 11 Major Samuel D. Lowe was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
June 12 Captain William J. Montgomery of Company C was promoted to major and Lieutenant Durant A. Parker to captain of Company D.
June 25-July 1

Seven Days Battles

The regiment had 480 men engaged and lost 160 casualties.

June 26

Beaver Dam Creek

June 27

Gaines’s Mill

June 30

Frayser’s Farm

Colonel Lane was wounded.

July 1

Malvern Hill

July-May Assigned to Branch’s-Lane’s Brigade, A.P. Hill’s Division, Jackson’s Command-2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
August 9

Cedar Mountain

The regiment lost 3 men killed and 26 wounded.

August 28-30

Second Battle of Manassas (Second Bull Run)

The regiment lost 5 men killed and 45 wounded.

September 1

Battle of Ox Hill (Chantilly)

September 12-15

Siege of Harpers Ferry

The regiment lost 4 men wounded.

September 17

Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

The 28th North Carolina was commanded by Colonel James H. Lane. He took over command of the brigade as senior colonel when Brigadier General Branch was killed, and Major William J. Montgomery took over command of the regiment.

From the War Department marker to Branch’s Brigade at Antietam:

In the advance of A. P. Hill’s Division from the Antietam Furnace Road, on the afternoon of September 17th, Branch’s Brigade supported the Brigades of Gregg and Archer.

It was engaged south of this point, and its commander, Brig. General Branch was killed in the southeast part of the field adjoining this on the south.

After the death of General Branch, the command devolved upon Colonel James H. Lane, of the 28th North Carolina, who relieved Toombs’ Brigade of D. R. Jones’ Division at this point.

The Brigade remained in this position until the morning of the 19th, when it recrossed the Potomac.

September 18 The regiment held their position in front of Sharpsburg until ordered after dark to fall back. It was part of the rear guard of the army as it withdrew across the Potomac to Virginia.
September 20

Shepherdstown Ford

October 14-18 Major Montgomery resigned due to ill health and Captain William D. Barringer of Company E was promoted to major. Lieutenant Niven Clark was promoted to Captain of Company E.
November Colonel Lane was promoted to brigadier general to command the brigade, which he had led since the death of Brigadier General Branch at Sharpsburg. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel D. Lowe was promoted to colonel, Major Barringer to lieutenant colonel, and Captain S. N. Stowe of Company B to major.
December 13

Battle of Fredericksburg

The regiment lost 65 casualties. Captain T. James Linebarger of Company C was wounded.

March 11 Lieutenant Colonel Barringer resigned, and Major William H.A. Speer was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
May 1-4

Battle of Chancellorsville

The regiment lost 89 casualties. Lieutenant Colonel Speer was wounded.

May Assigned to Lane’s Brigade, Pender’s-Wilcox’s Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
July 1-4

Battle of Gettysburg

The regiment was commanded by Colonel Samuel Lowe, who was wounded on July 3. Lieutenant Colonel W.H.A. Speer then took command, who was also wounded. It brought 346 men to the field and lost around 140 casualies. Captains Samuel N. Stowe of Company B, T. James Linebarger of Company C and Simon S. Bohannon of Company I and James M. Crowell of Company K were wounded.

From the monument to Lane’s Brigade at Gettysburg:

July 1. Crossed Willoughby Run about 3.30 P. M. and advanced on the right of the Division in the final and successful movement against the Union forces on Seminary Ridge held back Union Cavalry which threatened the flank and had a sharp conflict at the stone wall on Seminary Ridge just south of Fairfield Road.

July 2. Lay with its right in McMillan’s Woods with skirmish line advanced.

July 3. In Longstreet’s assault the Brigade supported the centre of Pettigrew’s Division advancing in good order under the storm of shot and shell and when near the Union works north of the Angle pushed forward to aid the fragments of the front line in the final struggle and was among the last to retire.

July 4. After night withdrew and began the march to Hagerstown.

July 10
Falling Waters

Bristoe Campaign

October 14
Bristoe Station

Mine Run Camaign

May 5-6

Battle of the Wilderness

May 8-21

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

The regiment’s colors were captured by Corporal John M. Kindig of Company A, 63rd Pennsylvania Infantry on May 12.

May 22-26
North Anna
June 1-3

Battle of Cold Harbor


Siege of Petersburg

July 8 Colonel Samuel Lowe resigned and left the regiment for the Invalid Corps. Lieutenant Colonel William H.A. Speer was promoted to colonel and Major Samuel N. Lowe to lieutenant colonel.
July 28
Gravel Hill
August 16
Fussell’s Mill
August 25-26

Reams Sation

Colonel William Speer was mortally wounded in the head by artillery shell fragments while commanding the brigade. He would die on the 29th. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel N. Stowe was promoted to colonel.

September 30
Jones’s Farm & Squirrel Level Road
October 1
Pegram’s Farm
November-December The regiment was commanded by Captain Thomas V. Apperson.
February 5-7

Hatcher’s Run

April 2

Final Assault on Petersburg

April 5


April 7


April 9

Appomattox Court House

The 28th North Carolina Infantry Regiment surrendered 17 officers and 213 enlisted men under the command of Captain T. J. Linebarger.