Confederate Regiments & Batteries * North Carolina

April The 45th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was organized near Raleigh at Camp Mangum under the command of Colonel Junius Daniel, Lieurenant Colonel John H. Morehead and Major Andrew J. Boyd.

Organization of the Regiment
  • Company A – ” Rockingham Zollicoffers” – Rockingham County – Captain John W. May
  • Company B – Guilford County – Captain Charles E. Shober
  • Company C – “Guilford Light Infantry” – Guilford County – Captain James T. Morehead, Jr.
  • Company D – “Madison Greys” – Rockingham County – Captain John L. Scales
  • Company E – “Troublesome Boys” – Rockingham County – Captain Samuel E. Boyd
  • Company F – “Dan River Rangers” – Rockingham County – Captain John R. Winston
  • Company G – “Rockingham Rebels” – Rockingham County – Captain John H. Dillard
  • Company H – “Rockingham Guards” – Rockingham County – Captain William J. Courts
  • Company I – “Border Rangers” – Caswell County – Captain Thomas M. Smith
  • Company K – North State Boys” – Guilford, Forsyth, Davidson & Rockingham County – Captain James M. Hines
May 8 Captain James T. Morehead, Jr. of Company C was transferred to the 53rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment as lieutenant colonel. Peter P. Scales was promoted to captain of Company C.
June Assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina.
June 25-July 1
Seven Days Battles
June 30
Malvern Cliff (Frazier’s Farm)

The regiment was under fire from Federal gunboats, losing 2 men killed and 14 wounded.

August 11 Captain John L. Scales of Company D resigned. First Lieutenant James S. Dalton was promoted to captain of Company D.
September 2 Returned to Goldsboro, North Carolina and assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. Colonel Daniels was promoted to brigadier general, Lieurenant Colonel John H. Morehead was promoted to colonel, Major Andrew Boyd was promoted to lieutenant colonel. Captain Charles E. Shober of Company B was promoted to major. Captain John W. May of Company A resigned and Walter Kalium was elected captain of Company A. First Lieutenant Samuel Rankin of Company B was promoted to captain.
December Assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, Elzey’s Command, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia.
December-February Assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, French’s Command, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia.
January 23 Captain Walter Kalium of Company A resigned and James F. Hodges was promoted to captain of Company A.
January 29 Captain John H. Dillard of Company G resigned and First Lieutenant William W. Wharton was promoted to captain of Company G.
January 31 Lieutenant Colonel Andrew J. Boyd resigned. Major Samuel Boyd was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
February 5 Second Lieutenant James A. Hopkins of Company E was promoted to captain.
February-April Assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, D.H. Hill’s Command, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia.
April-May Assigned to Daniel’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina.
May Moved to Virginia and assigned to Daniel’s-Grimes’ Brigade, Rodes’ Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
June 14
June 25 Colonel Moorhead died at Martinsburg. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Boyd was promoted to colonel effective to this date but it was not confirmed at the time of the Battle of Gettysburg. Captain Thomas M. Smith of Company I was promoted to major. First Lieutenant Samuel Hines was promoted to captain of Company I. Captain James M. Hines of Company K resigned and First Lieutenant John Austin Lindsay was promoted to captain of Company K.
July 1-4
Battle of Gettysburg

The 45th North Carolina brought 570 men to the field and lost 40% casualties. It was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Samuel H. Boyd, who was wounded and captured on July 1. Major John R. Winston took over the regiment until he was wounded and captured on July 2. Captain James A. Hopkins then took over as senior captain.

First Lieutenant William E. Harris of Company F was killed. Captain Peter P. Scales of Company C was mortally wounded. Captains Samuel Rankin of Company B and John Austin Lindsay of Company K were wounded. First Lieutenants Samuel Adams of Company E and William Paylor of Company I and Second Lieutenant John Heister of Company K were wounded.

There are two monuments to Daniel’s Brigade at Gettysburg.

From the first monument on Oak Hill:

July 1. The Brigade formed the right of Division and its line extended from Forney Field to the railroad near the McPherson Barn. The regiments did not at first move together nor attack the same troops. The 43rd and 53rd Regiments aided by O’Neal’s 3rd Alabama and Iverson’s 12th North Carolina attacked the Union line in the Sheads and Forney Field. The 45th Regiment and 2nd Battalion fought the 2nd Brigade 3rd Division First Corps near the railroad cuts and being joined by the 32nd Regiment and other troops compelled retreat. The regiments fought under a heavy artillery fire. The Brigade was reunited and lost heavily in the struggle which dislodged the Union forces from Seminary Ridge.

July 2. On Seminary Ridge all day. After night moved into town.

July 3. Marched before daylight to Culp’s Hill to aid Johnson’s Division.

July 4. Occupied Seminary Ridge. At night began the march to Hagerstown.

Ftom the second monument on East Confederate Avenue:

July 3. After taking part in the battles of the First and Second days elsewhere on the field the Brigade marched about 1.30 A. M. from its position in the town to Culp’s Hill to reinforce Johnson’s Division. Arriving about 4 A. M. it fought at different points wherever ordered through the long and fierce conflict its main position being in the ravine between the two summits of Culp’s Hill. At the close of the struggle near noon it was withdrawn by Gen. Johnson with the rest of the line to the base of the hill from whence it moved during the night to Seminary Ridge west of the town and there rejoined Rodes’s Division.

July 4. Occupied Seminary Ridge. Late at night began the march to Hagerstown.

July 6
September 1 Robert C. Donnell was promoted to captain of Company C.
Bristoe Campaign

The regiment lost 2 casualties.

Mine Run Campaign

The regiment lost 6 casualties.

January Lieutenant Colonel Winston escaped from Johnson’s Island Prison.
May 5-6
Battle of the Wilderness
May 8-21
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

Brigadier General Junius Daniel was killed. Colonel Samuel H. Boyd was killed.

Lieutenant Colonel Winston was promoted to colonel.

May 22-26
North Anna
May 30
Bethesda Church
June 1-3
Battle of Cold Harbor
Lynchburg Campaign

Assigned to Grimes’ Brigade, Rodes’-Grimes’ Division, Army of the Valley.

June 18 Arrived at Lynchburg.
June 19 Began the pursuit of Hunter’s Federal forces, skirmish at Liberty.
June 20 Skirmish at Buford Gap
June 21 Skirmish at Salem
June 22-27 After resting for a day resumed the pursuit to Staunton.
July 4 Arrived at Harpers Ferry, capturing Bolivar Heights in the morning. Drove Federal forces across the Potomac to Maryland Heights by evening.
July 6 Crossed the Potomac at Pack Horse Ford at Shepherdstown, engaged the Federal garrison at Bolivar Heights and moved through Crampton’s Gap to Frederick.
July 9
Battle of Monocacy
July 10 Resumed the march to Washington
July 11 After a hot, duty and fatiguing march arrived in the evening in front of Fort Stevens of the Washington Defenses, within sight of the Capitol dome.
July 12
Fort Stevens

Reinforcements of the Federal 6th Corps arrived from the Petersburg front and the day was spent in heavy skirmishing in which President Lincoln came under fire. The regiment began its retreat after sundown.

July 15 Crossed the Potomac near Leesburg during the night, pursued by Federal cavalry.
July 17 Crossed the Blue Ridge at Snickers Gap.
July 18
Snickers Ford
July 19-20 Moved toward Stratsburg and to the support of Ramseur’s Division.
July 21 Retired to Fisher’s Hill
August 17 Skirmish at Winchester
August 21-22
Skirmish at Charlestown
August 29 Skirmish at Smithfield
September 3 Skirmish at Bunker Hill
September 19
Third Battle of Winchester
September 22
Battle of Fisher’s Hill
September 23-24 Withdrew up the Valley to Waynesboro.
September 26-28 Port Republic
October 1-13 Advanced down the valley to Fisher’s Hill.
October 19
Battle of Cedar Creek
Siege of Petersburg
March 25
Fort Stedman
April 2

Final Assault on Petersburg

The regiment’s flad was captured by Private Amzi D. Harmon of the 211th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment.

April 6
Saylers Creek
April 7
April 9
Appomattox Court House

The 45th North Carolina Infantry Regiment surrendered 7 officers and 88 men.