Confederate Regiments & Batteries * Virginia

March 8 Redesignated from the 4th Virginia Heavy Artillery Regiment under the command of Colonel John T. Goode, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph Harrison and Mohn R. Bagby.
It was assigned to Wise’s Brigade, 6th Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida
May Assigned to Wise’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia
May 16
Drewry’s Bluff
May 17-June 14
Bermuda Hundred
Siege of Petersburg
July 30
Battle of the Crater
October Assigned to Wise’s Brigade, Johnson’s Division, 4th Corps, Army of Northern Virginia
April 6
Sayler’s Creek
April 9
Appomattox Court House

The regiment surrendered 14 officers and 210 enlisted men.