The United States Army

< November • December 1864 • to January >

Commanded by Major General Benjamin Butler

4th Massachusetts Cavalry, Companies I,L&M

Tenth Corps

Brigadier General Alfred H. Terry
discontinued 12/3 and merged into 24th & 25th Corps
1st Division Brigadier General Adelbert Ames
2nd Division Brigadier General Robert S. Foster
3rd Division Brigadier General William Birney 

Eighteenth Corps

Major General Godfrey Weitzel discontinued 12/3 and merged into 24th & 25th Corps
1st Division Brigadier General Charles Devens
2nd Division Brigadier General Charles A. Heckman
3rd Division Brigadier General Charles J. Paine

Twenty Fourth Corps

Major General Edward O.C. Ord (to 12/6)
Brevet Major General Alfred H. Terry
created 12/3 from White troops of the 10th & 18th Corps
First Division Brevet Major General Alfred H. Terry (^ 12/6)
Brigadier General R.S. Foster
Second Division Brigadier General Adelbert Ames
Third Division Brigadier General Charles Devens
Independent Division Brevet Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris from WV 12/24

Twenty Fifth Corps

Major General Godfrey Weitzel
created 12/3 from Black troops of the 10th & 18th Corps
First Division Brigadier General Charles J. Paine became 3 Div. 12/30
Second Division Brigadier General William Birney
Third Division Brigadier General Charles A. Heckman became 1 Div. 12/30

Cavalry Division

Brigadier General August V. Kautz
1st Brigade Colonel R.M. West
3rd New York Cavalry Regiment to Norfolk & Portsmouth
20th New York Cavalry Regiment from Dist. of E. VA (below)
5th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
2nd Brigade Colonel S.P. Spear
1st District of Columbia Cavalry Regiment
11th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
3rd Brigade Colonel A.W. Evans
1st Maryland Cavalry 
1st New York Mounted Rifle Regiment
4th Wisconsin Battery
1st United States Artillery, Battery B

Naval Brigade

Brigadier General Charles K. Graham
13th New York Heavy Artillery Colonel S.H. Mix
3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Colonel S. Spear


1st New York Engineers
Siege Artillery
1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery Regiment
3rd Connecticut Light Artillery
13th New York Heavy Artillery, Cos. A,B,F&E
3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Cos. A,B,F&G
3rd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Co. I
Separate Brigade
38th New Jersey Infantry Regiment
184th New York Infantry Cos. C,E,G,H,I,K Colonel Wardwell G. Robinson
4th Massachusetts Cavalry Company M
1st United States Colored Cavalry Companies E&I
33rd New York Independent Battery
16th New York Heavy Artillery Companies E&K
3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery (detachment)

Defenses of Bermuda Hundred

Infantry Division
Brigadier General Edward Ferrero
First Brigade Colonel William Heine
41st New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Detleo von Einsiedel from Kitching’s Div. 2 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah
103rd New York Infantry Regiment Captain William Redlick from Kitching’s Div. 1 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah
104th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Theophilus Kephart from Kitching’s Div. 1 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah
Second Brigade Major J.B. Campbell
6th New York Heavy Artillery Lieutenant  Colonel Stephen Baker from Kitching’s Div. 1 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah
10th New York Heavy Artillery Lieutenant Colonel George de Peyster Arden from Kitching’s Div. 2 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah
Provisional Brigade
2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Major Benjamin F. Winger from Kitching’s Div. 2 Brig., Army of the Shenandoah

District of Eastern Virginia

Brigadier General  Israel Vogdes
Norfolk & Portsmouth
2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
3rd New York Heavy Artillery (Battery)
20th New York Cavalry Regiment to Dept. VA & NC Cav. Div. (above)
1st Pennsylvania Artillery, Battery A
1st United States Volunteers
2nd United States Volunteers
1st United States Colored Cavalry 
2nd United States Colored Artillery Battery B
Eastern Shore
Purnell Legion Cavalry
11th Pennsylvania Cavalry Company L
3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Det.
1st Virginia (US) Company A

District of North Carolina

Brigadier General Innis N. Palmer
Sub District of the Albemarle
24th New York Independent Battery
101st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
103rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Batteries D & K
Sub District of Beaufort Colonel James Stewart, Jr.
17th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
9th New Jersey Infantry Regiment
3rd New York Artillery, Battery C
23rd New York Cavalry Regiment
1st North Carolina Infantry Regiment
2nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment
Defenses of New Berne Colonel T.J.C. Amory
15th Connecticut Infantry Regiment
2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
23rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
25th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
3rd New York Artillery (9 cos.)
12th New York Cavalry Regiment
23rd New York Independent Battery
99th New York Infantry Regiment
132nd New York Infantry Regiment
1st North Carolina Colored Hv. Artillery
5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery