United States Army

May 1861to June >

Commanded by Major General Benjamin F. Butler

Created May 22, 1861 with headquarters at Fort Monroe, Virginia

Fortress Monroe and Camp Hamilton

3rd Massachusetts Militia Infantry Colonel David Wardrop
4th Massachusetts Militia Infantry Colonel Abner B. Packard to Newport News 5/27 (below)
7th Massachusetts Independent Battery from Massachusetts 5/24, serving as infantry
to Newport News 5/27 (below)
1st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Allen arrived 5/20 from New York;
to Newport News, 5/27 (below)
2nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph B. Carr arrived 5/20 from New York;
to Newport News, 5/27 (below)
Naval Brigade
(99th New York Infantry Regiment
Colonel William A. Bartlett arrived 5/20 from New York. *see note
1st Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Phelps (B.G. 5/17)
Lt. Colonel Peter T. Washburn
arrived 5/13 from Vermont
to Newport News 5/27 (below)
2nd United States Artillery, Battery B Pre-war at Fortress Monroe
2nd United States Artillery, Battery L Pre-war at Fortress Monroe
4th United States Artillery, Battery D
4th United States Artillery, Battery L

Newport News

4th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Abner B. Packard From Fortress Monroe 5/27 (above)
7th Massachusetts Independent Battery From Fortress Monroe 5/27(above)
1st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Allen From Fortress Monroe 5/27(above)
2nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph B. Carr From Fortress Monroe 5/27(above)
7th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel John E. Bendix from New York 5/27
1st Vermont Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Peter T. Washburn from Fortress Monroe 5/27(above)

*The Naval Brigade, which eventually became the 99th New York Infantry, arrived without uniforms, arms or equipment, having been organized by the War department to operate on gunboats. They were not accepted into service by General Butler and were placed under guard in an open field. In June about 270 men returned to New York, and 8 companies were mustered in as infantry.