United States Regiments & Batteries > Massachusetts > 27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
The 27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment enrolled 1,543 men. It lost 9 officers and 128 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 3 officers and 261 enlisted men to disease, of whom 132 died in prison.
Late summer | The 27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was organized in the western part of the state.
September 20 | Mustered in at Springfield under the command of Colonel Horace Clark Lee, a Springfield dry goods merchant, Lieutenant Colonel Luke Lyman and Major William Walker. |
November 2-5 | Moved to Annapolis, Maryland, and duty, instruction, and drill there. |
January 7-February 7 |
Burnside’s Expedition to Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke IslandAttached to Foster’s 1st Brigade, Burnside’s Expeditionary Corps |
February 8 |
Battle of Roanoke Island |
March 11-13 | Moved to New Berne |
March 14 |
Battle of New Berne |
March-May | Duty at Batchelor’s Creek . |
April | Assigned to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Department of North Carolina. |
June 1 | At New Berne |
July 24-28 |
Expedition to Trenton and Pollocksville |
July 28 | Expedition on Neuse River Road (Cos. “D,” “G” and “H”). |
August | Assigned to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Department of North Carolina |
September 9 to October 30. | Companies “A,” “C” and “I” at Washington North Carolina, and five Companies at Newport Barracks |
November 2-12 |
Expedition from New BerneAssigned to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina. |
November 11 | Kinston Road |
December 11-20 |
Foster’s Expedition to GoldsboroAssigned to Lee’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina |
December 14 | Kinston |
December 16 | Whitehall |
December 17 | Goldsboro |
January 4-5 | Moved to Washington, North Carolina. Assigned to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps, Department of North Carolina. |
January 27 to May 8 | Companies G & H were detached for duty at Plymouth, then rejoined Regiment at New Berne. |
February 13 | Near Washington. |
March 10-13 | Demonstration on Plymouth. |
March 30-April 20 |
Siege of Washington, North Carolina |
April 4-5 | Rodman’s Point (2 Companies). |
April 24 | Moved to New Berne. |
April 27-May 1 | Expedition toward Kinston. |
April 28 | Dover Road and Wise’s Cross Roads. |
May 20-23 | Demonstration on Kinston. |
May 22 | Gum Swamp. |
June 5 to October 1 |
Provost duty at New BerneAssigned to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Defences of New Berne, North Carolina. |
July 4-8 |
Expedition to Trenton |
July 6 | Quaker Bridge |
July 17-20 |
Expedition to Swift Creek |
July 25-30 |
Expedition to Winton. |
October 16-18 | Moved to Newport News, Virginia. Assigned to Heckman’s Brigade, Newport News, Virginia, Department of Virginia and North Carolina. |
November 18 | To Norfolk. Provost duty there untill March 22. Assigned to United States Forces, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina |
March | Companies “A,” “D” and “K” at Portsmouth, and “F” at Norfolk till April 15. Assigned to 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Portsmouth, Virginia. |
March 4-5 |
Demonstration against Portsmouth |
April 13-15 | Expedition to Isle of Wight County. Assigned to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina |
April 14 | Smithfield, Cherry Grove |
April 26 | Camp near Julian Creek |
April 26 | Moved to Yorktown. |
May 4-28 |
Butler’s operations on south side of the James and against Petersburg and Richmond. |
May 6-7 |
Port Walthal Junction, Chester StationThe regiment lost 5 wounded, while another 50 men were disabled by sunstroke. |
May 9-10 | Swift Creek or Arrowfield Church |
May 12-16 |
Battle of Fort Darling (Or Drewry’s Bluff, Proctor’s Creek)Much of the regiment was captured, losing 252 men as prisoners, incuding Colonel Clark and Lieutenant Colonel Lyman. Over 120 of the captured would die in Confederate prisons. Major William Walker took over command of the survivors of the regiment. |
May 17 | On Bermuda Hundred front |
May 28 | Moved to White House, Virginia |
May 28-June 1. | Continued to Cold Harbor |
June 1-12 |
Battle of Cold HarborMajor William Walker was killed during the main assault on June 3. The regiment lost 22 men killed, 68 wounded, and 4 missing. |
June 15-18 |
First Assault on PetersburgThe regiment lost 13 men killed and 30 wounded. For a time it had no surviving officers on the field. |
June 15-August 24. |
Siege of Petersburg |
August 24 – September 17 |
On Bermuda front. |
September 27 | Old members mustered out |
September 17-21 | Moved to Carolina City, North Carolina. Assigned to District of Beaufort, North Carolina, Department of Virginia and North Carolina. |
November 28 | To Beaufort, North Carolina |
December 4 | To New Berne |
December 7 | To Plymouth |
January 8-11 | Moved to New Berne and duty there. Assigned to Sub-District, New Berne, North Carolina, Department of North Carolina |
March 4 | Marched to Core Creek. Assigned to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Beaufort, Department of North Carolina. |
March 4-12 | Movements on Kinston |
March 7 | Southwest Creek |
March 8-10 |
Wise’s ForkMost of the regiment were captured. The colors were hidden under a rotten log covered with leaves and grass, and were recovered in April. |
March 12 | The regiment’s survivors were ordered to New Berne and assigned to guard duty there. Attached to District of New Berne, Department of North Carolina. |
June 26 | The survivors of the 27th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was mustered out |