Confederate Regiments & Batteries * Louisiana

“Moody’s Battery” “Madison Tips (Tipperaries)”

Organized at New Carthage, Louisiana, as an infantry company with mostly Irish volunteers from Madison Parish. They were under the command of Captain George V. Moody, a New Englander who was reportedly “difficult to get along with.”
May Moved to Virginia
May 23 Mustered in at Lynchburg, Virginia.
August 23 Converted to an artillery company.
October Finished organization in Richmond, Virginia and was attached to S.D. Lee’s Artillery Battalion. Equipped with two 6-pounder Smoothbores, two 12-pounder Howitzers, and two 3″ Rifles.
June 25 – July 1
Seven Days battles

Engaged at Garnett’s Farm, Golding’s Farm, and Fair Oaks Station. Assigned to Garnett’s Artillery Battalion, D.R. Jones’ Division, Magruder’s Command.

August 28-30
Second Battle of Manassas (Second Bull Run)

The battery was in reserve, attached to Longstreet’s commnd.

September Assigned to Lee’s-Alexander’s Battalion, Reserve Artillery, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia
September 17
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

The battery was commanded by Captain George M. Moody. They were equipped with two 3″ Rifles and two 24-pounder howitzers. Four men were killed and 24 wounded.

December 13
Battle of Fredericksburg
May 1-5
Chancellorsville Campaign
May 3-5
Battle of Salem Church
July 1-3
Battle of Gettysburg

The battery was commanded by Captain George V. Moody. It brought 135 men to the field serving four 24-pounder howitzers. They lost about 24% casualties.

Captain Moody was quarreling with Captain Pichegru Woolfolk, Jr. of the Ashland Artillery over an incident where one battery had improperly taken the place of the other in the line of march. The two men were to have fought a duel on the morning of July 2nd with rifles at ten paces, but it was postponed for the battle. Woolfolk was wounded at Gettysburg, and the duel was never fought.

From the War Department marker on the Gettysburg battlefield:

July 2. Arrived here and opened fire at 4 P. M. Following the infantry charge upon the Peach Orchard took position near there and with other batteries supported the infantry in its further advance. Aided in so harassing the retiring Union forces as to compel the temporary abandonment of several guns. Kept up a spirited fire until night fall and prevented pursuit of the Confederate advanced lines when they fell back shortly before dark.

July 3. In position at dawn in the artillery line on the ridge running north from the Peach Orchard and on duty there all day. Took part in the cannonade preceding Longstreet’s assault and retired from the front after night.

July 4. Remained near here until 4 P. M. and then withdrew to Marsh Creek on the Fairfield Road.

Losses heavy but not reported in detail.

September Moved by rail to Georgia with Longstreet. Assigned to Alexander’s Artillery Battalion, 1st Corps, Army of Tennessee. Arrived too late to participate in the fighting at Chickamauga.
Siege of Chattanooga
November Alexander’s Artillery Battalion, Department of East Tennessee
November 4 – December 23
Siege of Knoxville

Captain Moody was ill and was left behind when the army retreated. He was captured, and Captain Thomas J. Richards took over the battery.

November 16 Campbell’s Station
April Returned from Tennessee to Virginia. Assigned to Alexander-Huger’s Battalion, Artillery, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
May 5-6
Battle of The Wilderness
May 8-22
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
May 23-26
North Anna
June 1-3
Cold Harbor
Siege of Petersburg
Appomattox Court House

The battery surrendered with 3 officers and 41 men under the command of Captain Thomas J. Richards.