Confederate Regiments & Batteries * North Carolina
Summer | The 17th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was organized at Plymouth for twelve months service as the 7th Infantry Regiment Volunteers under the command of Colonel William F. Martin, Lieutenant Colonel George W. Johnson and Major Henry A. Gilliam. Company A – “Independent Greys” – Pasquotank County – Captain John C. Lamb Company B – “Hyde County Rifles” – Hyde County – Captain James J. Leith Company C – “Tar River Boys” – Pitt County – Captain Thomas H. Sharp Company D – “Hertford Light Infantry” – Hertford County – Captain J.M.C. Luke Company E – “Currituck Atlantic Rifles” – Currituck County Company F – “Roanoke Guards” – Martin County Company G – “Hamilton Guards” – Martin County Company H – “Morris Guards” – Washington County Company I – “John Harry Guards” – Perquimans County Company K – “Confederate Guards” – Beaufort County Company L – Perquimans County – Captain Lucius J. Johnston |
August 20 | Mustered into Confederate service: Companies A, C-H at Hatteras Inlet; Companies B & K at Fort Orcracoke; Companies I & L at Oregon Inlet. Assigned to Department of North Carolina. |
August 29 |
Fort HatterasCompanies A and C-H were captured. |
September | Companies B, I, K & L assigned to the District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina. |
November 14 | Redesignated as the 17th North Carolina Infantry Regiment when North Carolina consolidated their State Troops and Volunteers. |
December | Company E assigned to the District of the Albemarle, Department of Norfolk. |
December 17 | Parts of Companies A and C-H were paroled at Fort Warren in Boston. |
January | Companies I & L assigned to the District of the Albemarle, Department of Norfolk. |
January 25 | Remainder of of Companies A and C-H were paroled at Fort Warren in Boston. |
February 8 |
Roanoke IslandCompanies I & L were captured. They would be paroled at Elizabeth City. |
February 9 | Captain Luke of Company D resigned. First Lieutenant Norman Shaw was promoted to captain as his replacement. |
February 20 | Companies A and C-H exchanged at Elizabeth City. |
March 10 | The regiment was disbanded. |
Second Organization |
May 16 | The 17th North Carolina Infantry Regiment was reorganized near Raleigh at Camp Mangum. Colonel William F. Martin continued in command, with Lieutenant Colonel John C. Lamb, and Major Thomas H. Sharp. Company A – Martin County – Captain William Biggs Company B – Hyde County – Captain James J. Leith Company C – Hertford County – Captain William B. Wise Company D – Hertford and Bertie Counties – Captain Norman Shaw Company E – Martin County – Captain John L. Swain Company F – Granville, Person and Martin Counties – Captain George B. Daniel Company G – Washington County – Captain Thomas J. Norman Company H – Washington and Tyrrell Counties – Captin Stewart L. Johnston Company I – Edgecombe County – Captain A.M.J. Whitehead Company K – Pitt County – Captain Howard Wiswall Company L – Cabarrus, Union and Stanly Counties – Captain Thomas H. Gilliam |
June | Mustered into Confederate service for three years or the duation of the war and assigned to the Department of North Carolina. |
August-September | Assigned to the District of North Carolina, Department of North Carolina. |
September-January | Assigned to the District of North Carolina, French’s Command, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
September 6 |
Washington(Detachment) |
December 10 |
PlymouthCompanies A-C, G & I |
January | Posted to Hamilton on the Roanoke River. |
March | Assigned to D.H. Hill’s Command, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
April | Assigned to Martin’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina. |
May | Assigned to Martin’s Brigade, Whiting’s-D.H. Hill’s Division, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
May-October | Assigned to Martin’s-Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
July 4 |
Gardner’s BridgeCompanies D, G & H |
July |
WilliamstonCompany A |
July 15 |
Tarboro |
July 27 |
Foster’s MillCompany A |
July-November | Assigned to District of North Carolina, Department of North Carolina. |
November-April | Assigned to Martin’s Brigade, District of Cape Fear, Department of North Carolina. |
January |
Morehead City |
February 2 |
Newport BarracksCaptain Leith of Company B was killed. First Lieutenant Francis M. Charles was promoted to captain as his replacement. |
April-May | Assigned to Martin’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina. |
May | Transfered to Virginia and assigned to Martin’s Brigade, Whiting’s-D.H. Hill’s Division, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
May-October | Assigned to Martin’s-Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, Department of North Carolina and Southern Virginia. |
May 17-June 14 |
Bermuda HundredThe regiment lost 48 casualties. Lieutenant Colonel Lamb was mortally wounded. Major Sharp was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain Lucius J. Johnson of Company L was promoted to major. |
June 1-3 |
Battle of Cold Harbor |
June |
Siege of Petersburg |
June 17 | Lieutenant Colonel Sharp was wounded. |
September 29-30 |
Fort Harrison |
October-December | Assigned to Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, 4th Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. |
October 27 |
Burgess’ Mill |
December-January | Returned to North Carolina and assigned to Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, District of Cape Fear, Department of North Carolina. |
December 24-25 |
Assault on Fort FisherThe regiment lost 14 casualties. |
January 13-15 |
Second Assault on Fort Fisher |
March | Assigned to Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, Hardee’s Corps. |
March 7 |
Wise’s Forks |
March 8 |
Southwest Creek |
March 19-21 |
Bentonville |
April | Assigned to Kirkland’s Brigade, Hoke’s Division, 1st Corps, Army of Tennessee. |
Aptil 26 |
Durham StationSurrendered with Johnston’s army. |
May 2 | Disbanded at Center Church in Randolph County. |