Confederate Regiments & BatteriesSouth Carolina

Fall The Macbeth (South Carolina) Artillery was organized from volunteers in the Union District and Berkeley County under the command of Captain Robert Boyce. It was named after Colonel Robert Macbeth of the Union District.
November Assigned to Department of South Carolina.
November-December Assigned to Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
December-June Assigned to 2nd Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
June-July Assigned to 1st Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
August Moved to Virginia and assigned to Evans’ Brigade, Longstreet’s Command, Army of Northern Virginia.
August 23
Rappahannock Station

Lieutenant William Munro was badly wounded.

August 28-30
Second Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

The battery lost 13 men.

September 14
Battle of South Mountain
September 17
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

The battery was commanded by Captain Boyce and brought 115 men and 6 guns to the field. Sergeant Thomas E. Dawkins and Private James Rogers were killed, Privates Privates Burr Miller and E. Shirley were mortally wounded and Lieutenant H. F. Scaife and 14 enlisted men were wounded supporting the fighting in the Sunken Road. General Lee praised Caprain Boyce and the battery in his report on the battle.

October-May Returned to South Carolina and assigned to 1st Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
April 19 Captain Boyce died of chronic dysentery in Wilmington, North Carolina. Lieutenant Berry Argivis Jeter was promoted to captain and took over command of the battery.
Vicksburg Campaign

Moved to Mississippi and assigned to Evans’ Brigade, Breckinridge’s Division, Department of the West.

June Assigned to Evans’ Brigade, French’s Division, Department of the West. The battery was equipped with four guns.
Siege of Jackson
July-August Assigned to Artillery Brigade, French’s Division, Department of the West.
August-November Assigned to Reserve Artillery, Department of Mississippiand East Louisiana. The battery was armed with two 6-pounder Smoothbores and two 12-pounder Howitzers.
December-May Returned to South Carolina and assigned to 1st Military District of South Carolina, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The battery mustered 3 officers and 116 men and was equipped with four 6-pounder Smootbores.
May-November Posted to Asheville, North Carolina. Assigned to Palmer’s Brigade, District of Western North Carolina, Department of East Tennessee.
October 28 Morristown
March The battery mustered 5 officers and 92 men.
April The Macbeth Artillery disbanded.