The United States Army in the Eastern Theater

< to January • February 1865 • to March >

Commanded by Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant


Army of the Potomac
Major General George Meade

Middle Department
Major General Lew Wallace
(after 2/1)
Brigadier General William H. Morris

Army of the James
(Department of Virginia)

Major General Edward O.C. Ord

Department of Washington
Major General Christopher Augur 
Department of Pennsylvania
Major Genral Darius Couch

Department of West Virginia
Major General George Crook
(captured 2/22)
Brigadier General John D. Stevenson (to 2/27)
Brigadier General Samuel S. Caroll

Middle Military Division,
Department of the Shenandoah
Major General Philip Sheridan (to 2/28)
Major General A.T.A. Torbert