United States Regiments & Batteries  * West Virginia

The 13th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 4 officers and 57 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 officer and 108 enlisted men by disease during the Civil War.

October Organized at Mt. Pleasant and Barboursville. Duty at Point Pleasant and Coalsmouth, W. Va. attached to District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio
March Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 8th Army Corps, Middle Dept.
March 28 Hurricane Bridge
March 30 Skirmish at Point Pleasant
April-July Hurricane and Coal River
May 20 Fayetteville
June Attached to 1st Brigade, Scammon’s Division, Dept. of West Virginia
July 5-14 Expedition to Piney in pursuit of Loring
July 17-26 In pursuit of Morgan
August-May Duty at Charleston and other points in the Kanawha Valley
December Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, West Virginia
January Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia. William R. Brown was appointed colonel.
April Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia
May 2-19 Crook’s Raid on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad
May 9 Battle of Cloyd’s Mountain
May 10 New River Bridge and Cove Mountain
May 12-13 Salt Pond Mountain and Gap Mountain
May 26-July 1 Hunter’s Expedition to Lynchburg
June 11 Lexington
June 17 Diamond Hill
June 17-18 Lynchburg
June 18-July 1 Retreat to Charleston
June 19 Buford’s Gap
June 21 About Salem
July 12-15 Moved to the Shenandoah Valley
July 23-24 Battle of Kernstown-Winchester
July 25 Martinsburg
August 6-November 28 Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign
August 21-22 Near Charlestown, W. Va.
August 26 Halltown
September 3 Berryville
September 19 Battle of Opequan (Third Battle of Winchester)
September 22 Battle of Fisher’s Hill
October 19 Battle of Cedar Creek
October-December At Camp Russell and in the Shenandoah Valley
November 18 Kablestown
November-April At Cumberland, Md.
January Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia
April At Winchester and Staunton attached to 1st Brigade, 4th Provisional Division, West Virginia
June 22 Mustered out