United States Regiments & Batteries > Maine > 6th Maine Battery
The 6th Maine Battery lost 13 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 27 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg.
January 1 | Organized at Augusta and mustered in under the command of Caaptain Freeman McGilvery, a ship master |
January 1 | Duty at Augusta until March and at Portland, Me. |
April 1-3 | Moved to Washington, D.C.; Camp at East Capital Hill and at Forts Buffalo and Ramsey, and at Falls Church, Va. Attached to the Military District of Washington |
June | Ordered to report to General Banks at Harper’s Ferry, W. Va.; Attached to 2nd Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Virginia; Duty at Harper’s Ferry, Cedar Creek and Little Washington, Va. |
August | Attached to 3rd Division, 3rd Corps, Army Potomac |
August 9 |
Battle of Cedar Mountain |
August 16 – September 2 |
Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia |
August | Attached to Artillery, 1st Division, 3rd Corps |
August 20-26 | Fords of the Rappahannock |
August 29 |
Battle of Groveton (Brawner Farm) |
August 30 |
Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas) |
September 1 |
Battle of Chantilly |
September | Attached to Artillery, 2nd Division, 12th Corps, Army Potomac |
September – October |
Maryland Campaign |
September 14 |
Battle of South MountainThe battery fought at Crampton’s Pass. |
September 16-17 |
Battle of AntietamThe battery was commanded by Captain Freeman McGilvery. It brought 85 men to field and was equipped with three Napoleons and one 3 inch Ordnance Rifle. |
September – December | Duty at Sandy Hook, Md. and at Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. |
December 2-6 | Reconnaissance to Winchester |
December 27 | Action at Dumfries |
January – May | Duty at Dumfries |
February 5 | Captain Freeman McGilvery was promoted to major, and Lieutenant Edwin B. Dow took command of the battery. McGilvery was given command of a brigade of the Artillery Reserve, and would go on to the rank of Colonel commanding the 10th Corps Artillery Brigade. His finest hour was at Gettysburg, when his line of reserve artilley helped stop the Confederate assault on July 2. |
May 27 | At Falmouth |
June | Assigned to the 4th Volunteer Brigade, Artillery Reserve, Army Potomac |
June – July |
Gettysburg Campaign |
July 1-3 |
Battle of GettysburgThe battery was commanded at Gettysburg by Lieutenant Edwin B. Dow. It brought 103 men to the field serving four 12-pounder Napoleons, and suffered 13 wounded. |
July 7-14 | Pursuit to Williamsport, Md. |
July 13 | Frederick, Maryland |
July 18 – August 2 |
March to Warrenton Junction, Va. and duty there |
September | Assigned to the 1st Volunteer Brigade, Artillery Reserve |
September 16 | At Culpeper |
October 12-22 |
Bristoe Campaign |
October 12-13 | Culpeper |
October 14 | Bristoe |
November 7-8 | Advance to line of Rappahannock |
November 26 – December 2 |
Mine Run Campaign |
November 28-30 | Mine Run |
April | Attached to Artillery Brigade, 2nd Corps |
May 3 | Campaign from the Rapidan to James River |
May 5-7 |
Battle of the Wilderness |
May 8-21 |
Battle of Spottsylvania Court House |
May 12 |
“Bloody Angle,” Spottsylvania C. H. |
May 23-26 |
North Anna River |
May 26-28 | On line of the Pamunkey |
May 28-31 |
Totopotomoy |
June 1-12 |
Cold Harbor |
June 16-19 |
First Assault on Petersburg |
June 16 |
Siege of Petersburg |
June 22-23 |
Jerusalem Plank Road |
July 27-28 | Deep Bottom |
July 30 |
Mine Explosion (Reserve) |
August 14-18 | Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom |
October 20 | Garrison, Fort Davis |
October | At Fort McGilvrey and Battery 9 |
November | Artillery Reserve, Army Potomac |
March 15 | At Fort Sampson |
April 2-3 |
Assault on and capture of Petersburg |
April 3 | Ordered to Reserve Artillery at City Point |
May 3 | Ordered to Alexandria |
June 4 | Ordered to Augusta, Me. |
June 7 | The 6th Maine Battery mustered out |