Confederate States Army

< to April • May 1864to June >

Commanded by General Robert E. Lee

Grant moved south with the start of his Overland Campaign, leading to the brutal Battle of the Wilderness (May 4-5) and the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21).

First Corps Lieutenant General James Longstreet (w 5/6)
Major General Richard Anderson
Field’s Division Major General Charles W. Field
Kershaw’s Division Brigadier General Joseph B. Kershaw
Artillery Brigadier General Edward Porter Alexander
Second Corps Lieutenant General Richard Ewell (to 5/31)
Lieutenant General Jubal Early
Early’s Division Major General Jubal Early (^ 5/31)
Major General John B. Gordon (to 5/21)
Major General Jubal Early (to Lt. Gen. 5/31)
Johnson’s Division Major General Edward Johnson (c 5/12)
Major General John B. Gordon (from 5/21)
Rodes’ Division Major General Robert E. Rodes
Artillery Brigadier General Armistead Long
Third Corps Lieutenant General Ambrose Powell Hill (to 5/8)
Lieutenant General Jubal Early (to 5/21)
Lieutenant General Ambrose Powell Hill
Anderson’s Division Major General Richard H. Anderson (^ 5/6)
Brigadier General William Mahone
Heth’s Division Major General Henry Heth
Wilcox’s Division Major General Cadmus Wilcox
Artillery Colonel Reuben L. Walker
Cavalry Corps Major General James E. B. Stuart (mw 5/11)*
Hampton’s Division Major General Wade Hampton III
F. Lee’s Division Major General Fitzhugh Lee
W.H.F. Lee’s Division Major General W.H.F. Lee
Stuart Horse Artillery Major Robert F. Beckham

* Note: Lee did not appoint a replacement for General Stuart after he was mortally wounded on May 11, temporarily taking over direct command of the cavalry divisions.