Confederate Regiments & Batteries * Georgia
October 25 | Created by consolidating Companies E, F & G of the 20th Georgia Cavalry Battalion with seven companies of the 7th Confederate Cavalry Regiment under the command of Colonel Valentine H. Taliaferro, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas D. Claiborne and Major Jesse H. Sikes. The order to consolidate was originally issued in July but was not executed until October. |
November-January |
Siege of PetersburgAssigned to Young’s Brigade, Hampton’s-Butler’s Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia |
February-April |
Carolinas CampaignMoved to North Carolina and assigned to Young’s Brigade, Butler’s Division, Hampton’s Cavalry Command |
March 19-21 |
Battle of Bentonville |
April | Assigned to Logan’s Brigade, Butler’s Division, Hampton’s Cavalry Command, Army of Tennessee. |
April 26 |
Durham StationThe regiment was surrendered by General Johnston. |