Confederate Regiments & Batteries * Georgia
Summer | The 21st Georgia Infantry Regiment was organized at Richmond, Virginia by expanding the 4th Georgia Infantry Battalion to a regiment. The regiment camped next to the 21st North Carolina (which was already suffering from a measles epidemic) and the 15th Alabama. |
Mid-September | Moved to the Centreville area to Camp Toombs. |
September 27 | Mustered into Confederate Service under the command of Colonel John T. Mercer (West Point Class of 1854), Lieutenant Colonel James J. Morrison and Major Thomas W. Hooper. Assigned to Crittenden’s Brigade, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac |
November | Assigned to Crittenden’s-Trimble’s Brigade, E.K. Smith’s Division, 1st Corps, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia |
January-March | Assigned to Trimble’s Brigade, Smith’s-Ewell’s Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia |
March 30 | Lieutenant Colonel Morrison resigned. Major Hooper was prooted to lieuteant colonel. |
March-May | Assigned to Trimble’s Brigade, Ewell’s Division, Department of Northern Virginia |
May-June |
Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley CampaignAssigned to Trimble’s Brigade, Ewell’s Division, Valley District, Department of Northern Virginia |
May 8 |
Battle of McDowellCompany E was transferred to become Company G, Cavalry Battalion, Smith’s Legion. The regiment would operate with nine companies until 1864. |
May 25 |
Battle of WinchesterLieutenant Green B. Butler of Company B was wounded and disabled. |
June 8-9 |
Cross KeysThe regiment lost 4 killed and 23 wounded. |
June-January | Jackson’s Command left the Shenandoah Valley and joined the main Confederate army defending Richmond. Assigned to Trimble’s Brigade, Ewell’s Division, Jackson’s Command, Army of Northern Virginia |
June 25-July 1 |
Seven Days BattlesThe regiment lost 20 killed, 80 wounded and 11 missing. Captain James C. Nisbet of Company H was wounded. Captain Joseph Waddail of Company C was wounded. Lieutenant Merril T. Castleberry of Company C was wounded. |
July 27 | Captain Thomas C. Glover of Company A was elected major |
August 26-27 | Bristoe and Manassas Junction |
August 28-30 |
Second Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)The regiment brought 242 men to the field and lost almost 75% casualties. Captain Joseph Waddail of Company C was killed. Lieutenant George W. Aderhold of Company A was killed. Lieutenant Thomas Attaway of Company B was mortally wounded. Lieutenant Merril T. Castleberry of Company C was wounded again. |
September 1 |
Battle of ChantillyLieutenant William Butt of Company A was killed. |
September 17 |
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)The regiment was commanded by Major Thomas C. Glover, who was wounded. Captain James Nisbet took command of the regiment and was also wounded. Captain Merril T. Castleberry of Company C was wounded for the third time, and would resign due to his wounds. |
December 13 |
Battle of FredericksburgThe regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas W. Hooper. Adjutant Thomas J. Verdery was killed. |
January | Assigned to Ripley’s-Dole’s Brigade, D.H. Hill’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia |
May 1-3 |
Battle of ChancellorsvilleCaptain Allen C. Watkins of Company A was mortally wounded. |
July 1-3 |
Battle of GettysburgThe regiment was commanded by Colonel John T. Mercer. It brought 287 men to the field and lost 4 men killed, 11 wounded and 23 missing. From the monument to Doles’s Brigade at Gettysburg: July 1. About 1 P. M. the Brigade formed line in the fields east of Oak Hill and skirmished with Union 2nd Brigade First Cavalry Division and aided Gordon’s Brigade in dislodging the Union forces from Barlow Knoll and their line from thence to the Heidlersburg Road. Then joined Ramseur and others in their attack upon the rear of First Corps which after a long struggle was compelled to retire from Seminary Ridge. The Brigade took many prisoners from the First and Eleventh Corps which it pursued to the southern borders of the town. July 2. Lay all day in the town on West Middle Street. After dark moved out to aid in a contemplated attack on Cemetery Hill. July 3. In line with other brigades in the sunken road southwest of town. July 4. On Seminary Ridge all day. At night began the march to Hagerstown. |
August 11 | Captain Nisbet resigned to recruit and become colonel of the 66th Georgia. |
October |
Bristoe campaign |
Nobember-December |
Mine Run campaign |
January-February |
New Bern ExpeditionSent with 21st North Carolina to New Bern. Assigned to Hoke’s Brigade, Department of North Carolina. |
April 11 | A new Company E was formed from Company D, 2nd North Carolina Infantry Battalion, to replace the company which transferred to cavalry in 1862. |
April 18 | Colonel Mercer was killed at Plymouth N.C. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas W. Hooper was promoted to colonel and Major Glover was promoted to lieutenant colonel. |
May 8-21 |
Battle of Spotsylvania Court HouseAssigned to Doles’s Brigade, Rodes’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia |
May 23-26 |
Battle of North Anna |
June 1-3 |
Battle of Cold Harbor |
June | Assigned to Cook’s Brigade, Grimes’s Division, Valley District |
July 9 |
Battle of Monocacy |
August 21 | Lieutenant Jesse G. Rucker of Company C was wounded. |
September 19 |
Third Battle of WinchesterColonel Hooper was captured and would be captive for the remainder of the war. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Glover was killed. |
September 22 |
Battle of Fisher’s Hill |
October 19 |
Battle of Cedar Creek |
December |
Siege of PetersburgLeft the Shenandoah Valley to return to Lee’s main army at Petersburg under the command of Captain Henry T. Battle. Assigned to Cook’s Brigade, Grimes’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia |
March 25 |
Fort StedmanCommanded by Captain John A. Tucker. |
April 9 |
Appomattox Court HouseSurrendered 7 officers and 50 enlisted men |