Confederate Regiments & Batteries > Georgia
May | Formed at Charleston, South Carolina by adding companies to the 7th Georgia Battalion. The fied officers were Colonel John H. Lamar, Lt. Colonel Charles W. McArthur, and Major Archibald P. McRae |
June 27 |
Battle of Gaines’ Mill |
mid-June | Moved from Georgia to Virginia and attached to Lawton’s Brigade, Jackson’s Division, Army of the Valley |
August 20 | Attached to Lawton’s Brigade, Ewell’s Division, Jackson’s Command, Army of Nothern Virginia |
August 28-30 |
Second Battle of Manassas |
September 17 |
Battle of SharpsburgCommanded by Colonel John H. Lamar, who took over command of the brigade after Colonel Douglass fell. Major Archibald P. MacRae briefly took command of the regiment until he was killed. Captain James Van Valkenberg then took over. |
March 1 | Captain Peter Brennan of Company F was elected major |
April 11 | Attached to Gordon’s Brigade of Early’s Division of the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia |
May 1-4 |
Battle of Chancellorsville |
June 13-15 |
Second Battle of Winchester |
July 1-3 |
Battle of GettysburgThe regiment was commanded by Colonel Jn. H. Lamar and brought 288 men to the field. It lost 30 men killed, 75 wounded and 6 missing. Major Peter Brennan and Lieutenant S.H. Rice were killed, and Lieutenant William R. Avant was wounded and captured. After the battle Captain Van Valkenberg was promoted to major. |
May 4-5 |
Battle of the Wilderness |
May 12 |
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House |
May 12 | Major Van Valkenberg promoted to lieutenant colonel |
May 21 | Attached to Evan’s Brigade of Gordon’s Division of the Second Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia |
May 23-26 | North Anna |
June 13 | Attached to Evans’ Brigade of Gordon’s Division of the Army of the Valley |
June 17-18 | Battle of Lynchburg |
June 19-21 | Pursuit of Hunter |
June 22 | Day of rest at Salem |
June 23-26 | Advance into the Shenandoah Valley to Staunton |
June 28-July 2 | Advance from Staunton to near Harpers Ferry |
July 5-6 | Crossed the Potomac at Boteler’s Ford and advances to west of Frederick |
July 9 |
Battle of MonocacyColonel Lamar were and Lieutenant Colonel Van Valkenberg were killed. |
July 10 | The advance on Washington continued through an extremely hot day. |
July 11-12 |
Battle of Fort Stevens |
July 13-15 | Left Washington, crossed the Potomac at White’s Ford, and marched across Loudon County. |
July 16 | Crossed the Blue Ridge at Snickers Gap to Berryville |
July 19 | Moved to Strasburg |
July 24 |
Second Battle of Kernstown |
August 8 | At Bunker Hill |
August 10 | To Winchester |
August 12 | To Fisher’s Hill |
August 17 | Returned to Winchester and Bunker Hill. |
August 22 | To Charles Town |
August 25-26 | Feint toward Williamsport and return to Bunker Hill. |
September 5 | To Winchester |
September 19 |
Third Battle of WinchesterCommanded by Captain Eliphalet F. Sharp. |
September 22 |
Battle of Fisher’s Hill |
October 19 |
Battle of Cedar Creek |
December 9 | Returned with Gordon’s Division from the Shenandoah Valley to the Richmond area under the command of Captain Eliphalet F. Sharp. Attached to Gordon’s Division, Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia |
January | The 60th and 61st Georgia were combined under Colonel Jones of the 60th until the end of the war. |
February 6 |
Battle of Hatcher’s Run |
April 7 |
Farmville and High Bridge |
April 9 |
Appomattox Court HouseThe regiment surrendered 81 enlisted men without an officer, of whom 49 were armed. |