The United States Army in the Eastern Theater

< to May • June 1862 • to July >

From April 4 to July 23, 1862 there was no commander in chief of the army.

Army of the Potomac
Major General George B. McClellan

Army of Virginia (established 6/26)
Major General John Pope
Merged the Mountain Department and the Departments of the Rappahannock and the Shenandoah, each of which became a subordinate corps of the army

Department of Virginia
Major General John E. Wool (until 6/2)
Major General John Dix 

Middle Department
Major General John Dix (until 6/9)
Major General John E. Wool

Department of the Rappahannock (merged into Army of Virginia 6/26)
Major General Irvin McDowell

Department of the Shenandoah (merged into Army of Virginia 6/26)
Major General Nathaniel Banks

Military Dist. of Washington (established 6/26)
Brigadier General James S. Wadsworth
Consisting of the District of Columbia, Arlington County in Virginia, and adjacent fortifications

Until June 25

Army of the Potomac

Dept. of Virginia

Middle Department


Dept. of the Rappahannock

Dept. of the Shenandoah

After June 26

Army of the Potomac
(operating in Virginia)

Army of Virginia

Dept. of Virginia

Middle Department


Military Dist. of Washington