United States Regiments & Batteries > Maine

The 1st Maine Battalion of Sharpshooters lost 7 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 12 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

October 27 – December 29 Organized at Augusta, Maine.
November 12 Companies A and B left State for City Point, Va. and duty there
November 28-29 Companies C and E organized and moved to City Point, Va. to join other Companies
December 2 Company D organized and moved to City Point, Va. to join other Companies
December 29 Company F organized and moved to City Point, Va. to join other Companies
January 1-5 Company C moved to Galloupe’s Island, Boston Harbor, thence moved to City Point, Va.
January 5 Battalion ordered to Petersburg front and attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, Army Potomac
January 5

Siege of Petersburg

February 5-7

Dabney’s Mills, Hatcher’s Run

March 25

Fort Fisher, Petersburg

March 28-April 9

Appomattox Campaign

March 29

White Oak Road

March 30 Quaker Road
March 30-31 Boydton Road
April 1

Battle of Five Forks

April 5 Amelia Court House
April 6

High Bridge

April 9

Appomattox Court House

Surrender of Lee and his army.

May 2-12 Moved to Washington, D.C.
May 23 Grand Review
June 21 The 1st Maine Battalion of Sharpshooters transferred to the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment.