United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania

The 202nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment lost 3 enlisted men killed and 33 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

September 3 Organized at Harrisburg under Colonel Charles Albright, Lt. Colonel John A. Maus and Major Walter H. Seip
September 10 Moved to Chambersburg, Pa.
Septembe 11-29 At Chambersburg, Pa. attached to Dept. of the Susquehanna
September 29 Moved to Alexandria, Va., via Washington, D.C.
October Guard duty on Manassas Gap Railroad from Thoroughfare Gap to Rectortown. Attached to District of Alexandria, 22nd Corps
October 8 and 16 Skirmishes at Salem
October Guarding Orange & Alexandria Railroad from Bull Run to Alexandria.
November Duty in the Defenses of Washington and Alexandria attached to 1st Separate Brigade, 22nd Corps
May 20 Ordered to Pennsylvania
June-July Duty in the Lehigh District coal regions of Pennsylvania attached to Dept. of Pennsylvania
August 3 Mustered out at Harrisburg