United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania
The 5th Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Regiment lost 3 enlisted men killed and 46 to disease in the Civil War.
1864 |
August and September | Organized as the 204th Volunteers at Pittsburg under Colonel George S. Gallupe, Lt. Colonel Joseph Browne and Majors Michael Baer, George Irwin and Howard Morton |
September | Ordered to Washington, D.C. |
September | Attached to District of Alexandria, 22nd Corps. Duty in Northern Defenses of Washington, D. C., and along Manassas Gap Railroad, protecting supplies for Sheridan, and constantly engaged with Mosby. |
October 4 | Action at Salem |
October 7 | Rectortown |
October 11 | White Plains |
October and November | Destruction of Manassas Gap Railroad |
October 27 | Major Morton discharged |
November | Assigned to 1st Separate Brigade, 22nd CorpsDuty in the Northern Defenses of Washington:
1st Battalion at Prospect Hill |
1865 |
Spring | Duty on Bull Run battlefield burying nearly 2,000 dead. |
May 10 | Captain William Hope of Battery A promoted to major |
June | Ordered to Pittsburg for muster out. |
June 30 | Mustered out under Colonel Gallupe, Lieutenant Colonel Browne and Majors Baer, Hope and Irwin |