United States Regiments & Batteries > Wisconsin > 1st Wisconsin Infantry Regiment

The 1st Wisconsin Infantry Regiment mustered 810 men. In three months service in the Civil War it lost two men killed or mortally wounded and one died in an accident. 


The 1st Wisconsin organized at Camp Scott in Milwaukee under the command of Colonel John C. Starkweather, Lieutenant Colonel Charles L. Harris and Major David H. Lane.

Organization of the Regiment
  • Company A – Captain George B. Bingham
  • Company B – Captain Henry A. Mitchell
  • Company C – Captain Orestes B. Turgood
  • Company D – Captain Pius Dreher
  • Company E – Captain George E. Bryant
  • Company F – Captain William M. Clark
  • Company G – Captain Donald C. McVean
  • Company H – Captain William Georg
  • Company I – Captain James V. McCall
  • Company K – Captain Lucius Fairchild
April 27 Mustered into State service 
May 17 Mustered into United States service for three months
June 9 Left Wisconsin for Harrisburg, Pa.
June Camp at Hagerstown attached to Abercrombie’s 6th Brigade, Negley’s 2nd Division, Patterson’s Army.
June 29-July 1 Moved to Williamsport, Md.
July 2

Action at Falling Waters (Hoke’s Run)

The regiment lost two men killed or mortally wounded.

July 3 Moved to Martinsburg
July-August Duty at Charlestown, Harper’s Ferry and guarding fords of the Monocacy River
July 29 Edwards’ Ferry, Md.
August 9 Captain Lucius Fairchild of Company K transferred to the newly formed 2nd Winconsin Infantry Regiment. He had been a Captain in the 10th United States Infantry who had been given a leave of absence to enter Volunteer service, and was made Lieutenant Colonel of the 2nd Wisconsin.
August 22 Mustered out
  The 1st Wisconsin Infantry was reorganized for three years service and served in the west for the rest of  its career.