United States Regiments & Batteries * West Virginia
The 6th West Virginia Infantry Regiment lost 8 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 officers and 167 enlisted men by disease during the Civil War.
August 13 to December 26 | Organized at Grafton, Mannington, Cairo, Parkersburg and Wheeling, W. Va. Regiment organized for railroad guard duty and served on line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad by detachments, at various points west of Sleepy Hollow entire term. Attached to Railroad District, West Virginia. |
March | Attached to Railroad District, Mountain Department |
April 12 | Raid from Fairmont to Valley River and Bootheville and Skirmish at Valley River (Company A) |
June 7 | Skirmish at Big Bend |
July | Attached to Railroad District, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department |
August 31 | Skirmish at Weston (2 Companies) |
September 3 | Skirmish at Weston (Detachment) |
September | Attached to Railroad District, West Virginia |
September 28 | Skirmish at Standing Stone |
November 9 | Capture of St. George (Company B) |
December | Attached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia |
January | Attached to Clarksburg, W. Va., 8th Army Corps |
March | Attached to 6th Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps |
April | Attached to Kelly’s Command, Reserve Division, West Virginia |
April 18 | Skirmish at Johnstown (Detachment) |
April 23 | Skirmish at Rowlesburg |
April 26 | Rowlesburg and Portland and Oakland, Md. (1 Company) |
April 29 | Skirmish at Bridgeport (Detachment) |
April 29 | Fairmont (Detachment) |
April 30 | Bridgeport |
June | Attached to Wilkinson’s Brigade, Scammon’s Division, Dept. of West Virginia |
August 26 | Sutton (Companies G & I) |
August 27 | Ball’s Mills and on Elk River (Detachment) |
October 13 | Bulltown, Braxton County (Detachment) |
May 3 | Bulltown (Detachment) |
July 4 | South Branch Bridge (Detachment) and Patterson’s Creek Bridge (Detachment) |
July 27 | Back Creek Bridge (Detachment) |
August 1 | Cumberland, Md. (1 Company) |
August 4 | New Creek (2 Companies) |
August 20 | Bulltown (Detachment) |
August 24 | Sutton (Detachment) |
August 27 | Nutter Hill (Detachment) |
November 28 | New Creek (Detachment) |
April | Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia |
June 10 | Mustered out |