United States Regiments & Batteries > New Hampshire > Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry Regiment

The Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry Regiment lost 5 officers and 140 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 1 officer and 151 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

The regiment was organized at Concord, New Hampshire under the command of Colonel Walter Harriman.
September 2 The Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry Regiment mustered in
September 11-14 Moved to Washington, D.C. and assigned to Attached to Brigg’s Brigade, Casey’s Division, Military District of Washington
October 4 Moved to Pleasant Valley, Md. and attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac
October 27-
November 19
Movement to Falmouth, Va.
December 12-15

Battle of Fredericksburg

January 20-24
Burnside’s Second Campaign (“Mud March”)
February 11 Moved to Newport News
March 26-April 1 To Covington, Kentucky.
April Duty at various points in Kentucky. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Department of the Ohio
June 4-14 Moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi and attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Tennessee
June 14-July 4

Siege of Vicksburg

July 4-10 Advance on Jackson, Mississippi.
July 10-17

Siege of Jackson, Miss.

July 18-22 Destruction of Railroad at Madison Station
July 23 At Milldale, Miss.
August 6-14 Moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Department of the Ohio
August 15 At Covington, Kentucky.
August 26 At Nicholasville, Camp Parke, Crab Orchard and Loudon
October 12-29 March to Knoxville, Tennessee.
November 4-December 23

Knoxville Campaign

November 16

Campbell Station

November 17-December 4

Siege of Knoxville

November 29

Repulse of Longstreet’s assault on Fort Saunders

December Duty in East Tennessee
March 18-April 7 Moved to Annapolis, Md. and attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac
May 3-June 15

Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River

May 5-7

Battle of the Wilderness

May 8-21

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

May 12

Assault on the Salient, Spotsylvania Court House

May 23-26

North Anna River

May 26-28 On line of the Pamunkey
May 28-31


June 1-12

Cold Harbor

June 1-3 Bethesda Church
June 15-19

First Assault on Petersburg

June 16 – April 2

Siege of Petersburg

July 30

Mine Explosion, Petersburg

August 18-21

Weldon Railroad

September 29-October 2

Poplar Springs Church

October 27-28

Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher’s Run

March 25

Fort Stedman

March 28-April 9

Appomattox Campaign

April 2

Fall of Petersburg

April 3 Occupation of Petersburg
April 3-9 Pursuit of Lee
April 20-27 Moved to Washington, D.C.
May Duty at Alexandria
May 23 Grand Review
June 4 The Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry Regiment mustered out