United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to September • October 1862 • to November >

Commanded by
Brigadier General Jacob D. Cox (to 10/8)
Brigadier General Orlando Willcox

The Kanawha Division returned to the Department of the Ohio in October.

First Division

Brigadier General Orlando Willcox (^ 10/8)
Colonel William F. Fenton (10/8 – 10/24)
Colonel Daniel Leasure
First Brigade Lieutenant Colonel David Morrison (to 10/25)
Colonel W. H. Withington
17th Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Withington (^ 10/25)
20th Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel Adolphus Williams
28th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Captain Andrew P. Caraher
79th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel David Morrison (after 10/25)
Second Brigade Colonel W. M. Fenton (to 10/8)
Colonel B. C. Christ (to 10/26)
Colonel W. M. Fenton
8th Michigan Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Frank Graves
46th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Gerhardt
50th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Captain William H. Diel
Third Brigade Colonel Thomas Welsh (to 10/22)
Colonel Daniel Leasure (to 10/26)
Colonel Henry Bowman
36th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry Bowman
45th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel John I. Curtin
100th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel David A. Leckey
Division Artillery
8th Massachusetts Battery Captain Asa M. Cook from Dist. Washington, Sturgis’ Brig.
2nd United States Artillery, Battery E Lieutenant Samuel N. Benjamin from 5 Corps, Res. Artillery, 4 Brig.

Second Division

Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis
First Brigade Brigadier General James Nagle 
2nd Maryland infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel J. Eugene Duryea
6th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Simon G. Griffin
9th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Enoch Q. Fellows
48th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Joshua Sigfried
7th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Colonel Zenas R. Bliss from Washington 10/1
Second Brigade Brigadier General Edward Ferrero
21st Massachusettes Infantry Regiment Colonel William S. Clark
35th Massachusettes Infantry Regiment Colonel Edward A. Wild
11th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Walter Harriman
51st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Robert B. Potter
51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John. F. Hartranft
Division Artillery
Pennsylvania Independent Battery D Captain George W. Durell
34th New York Battery from 9th Corps, 1st Div. Artillery
1st Rhode Island Artillery, Battery D from 1st Corps, 1st Div. Artillery
4th United States Artillery, Battery E

Third Division

Major General John G. Parke (to 10/4)
Brigadier General George W. Getty
First Brigade Colonel Harrison S. Fairchild
10th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Michael T. Donohoe from New Hampshire
9th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Rush C. Hawkins
89th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Harrison S. Fairchild
103rd New York Infantry Regiment Major Benjamin Ringold
Second Brigade Colonel Edward Harland
8th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Hiram Appleman
11th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry W. Kingsbury
16th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis Beach
21st Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Arthur H. Dutton
4th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Colonel William H.P. Steere
5th United States Artilery, Battery A Lieutenant Charles P. Muhlenberg

Kanawha Division

Colonel Eliakim Scammon to Dept. of the Ohio
1st Brigade Colonel Hugh Ewing
12th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Carr B. White
23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment Major James M. S. Comly
30th Ohio Infantry Regiment Major George H. Hildt
1st Ohio Independent Battery Captain James R. McMullin
1st West Virginia Cavalry, Co. I Lieutenant Dennis Delaney
2nd West Virginia Cavalry, Co. L Lieutenant James Abraham
2nd Brigade Colonel August Moor (c 9/12)
Colonel George Crook
11th Ohio Infantry Regiment Major Lyman J. Jackson
28th Ohio Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Godfried Becker
36th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Ebenzer B. Andrews
Simmond’s Kentucky Battery Captain Seth J. Simmonds
Schambeck’s Illinois Cavalry Co. Captain Frederick Schambeck
3rd Independent Ohio Cavalry Co. Lieutenant Jonas Seamen