United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania

The Ringgold Cavalry lost 3 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 1 officer and 18 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.

June 29 Organized at Washington, Pa. as an independent company
July Ordered to West Virginia and attached to Army of Occupation, West Virginia
July 6-17 Campaign in West Virginia attached to the Cheat Mountain District
July 11 Rich Mountain
July 13-14 Carrick’s Ford
September 2 Burlington
September 11-17 Operations on Cheat Mountain
September 12 Petersburg
September 23 Romney, Hanging Rock
September 23-25 Romney
October 26 Mill Creek Mills, Romney
November 13 Near Romney
November At Romney
January 6-7 Expedition to Blue’s Gap attached to Lander’s Division
January 7 Hanging Rock Pass
February 14 Bloomery Furnace
March 7-15 Advance on Winchester attached to Hatch’s Cavalry Command, Banks’ 5th Corps
March 18 Strasburg
March 22 Kernstown
March 23 Battle of Winchester
April 15 Columbia Furnace
April 17 Two Churches and Rood’s Hill
April Duty in Railroad District, West Virginia attached to Mountain Dept.
July Attached to Railroad District, 8th Corps, Middle Dept.
August 15 North River Mills
August 18 Huttonsville
September Expanded in the field to Ringgold Cavalry Battalion by consolidation with:Lieutenant Hugh Keys’ Washington (Pa.) Cavalry (organized at Washington, Pa., June 29, 1861)

Captain George T. Work’s Washington County Company (organized September 6, 1862)

Captain Henry H. Young’s Cavalry, organized (September 6, 1862)

Guard and scout duty in the Railroad District and on Upper Potomac, West Virginia attached to Railroad District, 8th Corps, Middle Dept.

Captain Andrew J. Barr’s Cavalry Company (organized October 13, 1862) andCaptain James Y. Chessrown’s Cavalry Company, (organized October 14, 1862) added to the battalion.
October 29 Ridgeville Road, near Petersburg, W. Va.
November 9 Moorefield, South Fork Potomac
December 3 Moorefield
February 16 Near Romney. Attached to Defenses Upper Potomac, 8th Corps, Middle Dept
March Attached to 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Corps
April 6-7 Near Burlington
April 6-7 Purgetsville and Going’s Ford
April 26 Burlington
June Attached to Campbell’s Brigade, Scammon’s Division, Dept. West Virginia
September 4 & 11 Moorefield
November 10 Captain John Keys died of disease at Beallsville, Pennsylvania
December 16 Descent upon Salem, Va.
December 19 Jackson River, near Covington
December 31 Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, W. Va. attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia
January 1-5 Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, W. Va.
January 27-February 5 Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, W. Va.
January 29-30 Medley, Williamsport,
January 30 Evacuation of Petersburg
February 4 Moorefield
February 29-March 5 Expedition to Petersburg
March 3 Petersburg
February 22 Transferred to 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry