24 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1821
1 served in the Civil War

Class of 1821 members who served in the Civil War

Charles Dimmock 5 Brigadier General Chief of Ordnance; died at Richmond, Va., Oct. 1863

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

Robert F.W. Allston 10 Resigned 1822
Henry Bainbridge 21 Lieutenant Colonel USA Died in the wreck of the Louisiana, 1851
Clark Burdine 2 Resigned 1825, died 1836
Seth M. Capron 17 Rsigned 1827
Edward H. Courtenay 1 Resigned 1834, died 1853
Julius A. D’Lagnel 24 Captain Died on duty at New York, 1840
William Gaillard 16 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Pensecola, Fl., 1822
James Grier 12 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1828
James Henshaw 19 Resigned 1821
John C. Holland 6 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Augusta Arsenal, Ga., 1825
Alexander H. Morton 15 Resigned 1833, dies 1853
Joseph Pentland 14 Dismissed 1830, died 1833
Davd M. Porter 23 Resigned 1823
Jonathan Prescott 3 Resigned 1833, died 1837
Jason Rogers 22 Disbanded 1847, died 1848
Edward C. Ross 7 Resigned 1839, died 1851
John B. Scott 13 Major Died on duty at San Francisco, Ca., 1860
John F. Scott 11 Rsigned 1825, died 1837
Jefferson Vail 18 Captain Died on duty in Baton Rouge, La. 1835
David Wallace 9 Resigned 1822, died 1859
William W. Wells 4 Resigned 1831, died 1832
Otis Wheeler 20 Resigned 1844
Washington Wheelwright 8 Resigned 1833

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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