The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.

Last name First name   Class
Hagner Peter V. 1836
Haines Thomas J. 1849
Haines Peter C. J-1861
Hall Norman J. 1859
Halleck Henry Wager 1839
Hallonquist James 1858
Hamilton Schuyler 1841
Hamilton Charles Smith 1843
Hamilton Frank B. 1862
Hamilton John 1847
Hancock David F. 1854
Hancock Winfield Scott 1844
Hardee William Joseph 1838
Hardie James Allen 1842
Hardin Matin Davis 1859
Harker Charles G. 1858
Harris David Bullock 1833
Hart Henry V. De 1856
Hartsuff George Lucas 1852
Hartz Edward L. 1855
Harwood Franklin M-1861
Hasbrouck Henry C. M-1861
Hascall Herbert A. 1856
Hascall Milo Smith 1852
Haskin Joseph Abel 1839
Hatch John Porter 1845
Haupt Herman 1835
Hawes James Morrison 1845
Hawkins John Parker 1852
Hayman Samuel B. 1842
Haynes Milton 1838
Hays Alexander 1844
Hays William 1840
Hazen William Babcock 1855
Hazlett Charles E. M-1861
Hazzard George W. 1847
Heap David P. 1864
Hebert Louis 1845
Hebert Paul Octave 1840
Heintzelman Samuel Peter 1826
Helm Benjamin Hardin 1851
Hendershott Henry B. 1847
Henry Mathias W. M-1861
Henry Guy V. M-1861
Heth Henry 1847
Hewson Neil Thomas 1847
Heyward William C. 1830
Hight Thomas 1853
Hildt J. McLean 1856
Hill Ambrose Powell 1847
Hill Daniel Harvey 1842
Hill James Hoffman 1855
Hill Robert C. 1855
Hill Bennett H. 1837
Hill Richard M. J-1861
Hillhouse John 1842
Hitchcock Ethan Allen 1817
Hodges Henry C. 1851
Hoffman William 1829
Holabird Samuel B. 1849
Holgate Asa H. 1863
Holliday Jonas P. 1850
Holloway Edmunds B. 1843
Holmes Theophilus Hunter 1829
Holt George W. 1857
Hood John Bell 1853
Hook Cornelius 1860
Hooker Joseph 1837
Hopkins Edward R. 1860
Houston David C. 1856
Howard Oliver O. 1854
Howe Albion Parris 1841
Howell Resin G. 1864
Howell Charles W. 1863
Howland George W. 1848
Hoxton Llewellyn G. M-1861
Hudson Edward M. 1849
Huger Benjamin 1825
Huger Frank 1860
Hughes William B. 1856
Humphreys Andrew Atkinson 1831
Hunt Edward B. 1845
Hunt Franklin E. 1829
Hunt Henry Jackson 1839
Hunt Lewis C. 1829
Hunt Lewis Cass 1847
Hunter David 1822
Hunter Robert F. 1853
Huse Caleb 1851
Huston Daniel 1848

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Alphabetical Index of
West Point Officers
in the Civil War
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