The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.

Last name First name Class
Naglee Henry Morris 1835
Napier Leroy   1858
Nauman George 1823
Neill Thomas H. 1829
Nelson Anderson D. 1841
Newton John 1842
Nicholls Francis Reading Tillou   1855
Nicholls William A. 1838
Nicodemus William J. L. 1858
Noble Henry M-1861
Norris Charles E. 1851
Northrop Lucius Bellinger 1831
Noyes Henry J-1861
O’Connell John D. 1827
O’Rorke Patrick H. J-1861
Oakes James 1846
O’Connor Edgar 1854
Ogle Charles H. 1848
Ord Edward Otho Cresap 1839
Otis Elmer 1853
Owens Wesley 1856
Paine Eleazer Arthur 1839
Paine William C. 1858
Palfrey Edward A.   1851
Palfrey John C. 1857
Palmer Innis Newton 1846
Parke John K. 1849
Parker Francis H. J-1861
Parsons Charles C. J-1861
Patrick Marsena Rudolph 1835
Patten George W. 1830
Patterson Charles E. M-1861
Patterson Robert E. 1851
Paul Gabriel René 1834
Pearce N. Partlett 1850
Pease William Russell 1855
Peck Lafayette   1857
Peck John James 1843
Pegram John 1854
Pellham John M-1861
Pelhouze Louis H. 1853
Pemberton John Clifford 1837
Pender William D. 1854
Pendleton William N. 1830
Pennington Alexander C. M. 1860
Perkins Delavan 1849
Perry Alexander 1851
Pettes William H. 1832
Phelps John Wolcott 1836
Phillips Charles B. 1864
Phillips Edwin D. 1852
Phipps Frank H. 1863
Pickell John 1822
Pickett George Edward   1846
Piper Alexander 1851
Pitcher Thomas Gamble 1845
Platt Edward R. 1849
Pleasanton Alfred 1844
Pleasanton Augustus J. 1826
Plummer Augustus 1853
Plummer Joseph Bennett 1841
Plympton Peter 1847
Poe Orlando Metcalf 1856
Poland John S. M-1861
Poland Martin L. 1864
Polk Leonidas 1827
Polk Marshall T. 1852
Pope Curran 1834
Pope John 1842
Porter A. Parker 1856
Porter Fitz John 1845
Porter Horace 1860
Potter Joseph Haydn 1843
Powell Albert M. 1860
Pratt Henry C. 1837
Prime Frederick E. 1850
Prince Henry 1835
Putnam Haldiman S. 1857

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West Point Officers
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