31 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1824
3 served in the Civil War

Class of 1824 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

Electus Backus 28 Colonel USA Died on sick leave, June 1862
Dennis H. Mahan 1 Professor of Engineering USMA 1832-71
Dixon S. Miles 27 Colonel USA Mortally Wounded, Harpers Ferry Sept. 1862

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

William P. Bainbridge 11 Captain Died on sick leave at West Point 1850
Napoleon B. Bennett 6 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Staunton, Va., 1832
William Bickley 18 Resigned 1825
William Bloodgood 23 Resigned 1836
Joseph Cadle 20 Dismissed for insubordination 1830, drowned 1835
Julius Catlin 29 Resigned 1826, drowned 1827
John N. Dillahunty 7 Resigned 1832, died 1844
Anthony Drane 16 Cashiered for drunkeness, 1846, died 1850
William Eaton 24 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Waterbury, Ct., 1828
John M. Fessenden 10 Resigned 1831
John K. Findlay 5 Resigned 1828
William Harris 22 Dismissed for conduct 1836, died 1837
R. Edward Hazard 4 Resigned 1829, died 1831
Louis T. Jamison 17 Dismissed for financial impropriety 1838, died 1858
Alexander Johnston 21 Captain Died on duty at Pittsburg, Pa. 1845
Francis L. Jones 8 Resigned 1842, died 1846
George W. Long 9 Resigned 1835
Ephraim W. Low 19 Second Lieutenant Drowned on duty in the Fox River, Wis., 1825
Francis Newcomb 26 Resigned 1836
Robert B. Parrott 3 Resigned 1836. Inventor of Parrott Guns
Timothy Paige 24 Resigned 1836
John M.W. Picton 12 Resigned 1832, died 1859
W. Beverhout Thompson 31 Resigned 1830
Nicholas Tillinghast 14 Resigned 1836, died 1856
John W.A. Smith 2 Dismissed 1828, accidentally killed 1835
Joseph Van Swearingen 30 Captain Killed in the Battle of Okeechobe, Fl., 1837
William G. Williams 15 Captain Mortally wounded, Monterey, Mexico 1846
Horatio Wilson 13 Resigned 1835, died 1850

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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