United States Regiments & Batteries > New Jersey > 13th New Jersey Infantry Regiment

The 13th New Jersey Infantry Regiment lost 3 officers and 71 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 44 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by a series of three regimental monuments at Antietam and a monument at Gettysburg.

The regiment was organized at Camp Frelinghuysen, Newark, New Jersey.
August 25 The 13th New Jersey Infantry Regiment  mustered in under the command of Colonel Ezra Ayres Carman (formerly lieutenant colonel of the 7th New Jersey who had been wounded at Williamsburg) and Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Swords
August 31 Left New Jersey for Washington. D.C. Camped near Fort Richardson, on Arlington Heights, Virginia. Attached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps, Pope’s Army of Virginia
September 6-9 Expedition beyond Rockville, Maryland. Attached to 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 12th Corps, Army of the Potomac
September 16-17
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)

The regiment loaded its muskets for the first time at Antietam. At some point during the battle Colonel Carman went to the hospital and Lieutenant Colonel Swords took over the regiment.

There is a statue of Captain Hugh C. Irish of the 13th New Jersey atop the State of New Jersey monument. Captain Irish was killed close to the monument’s location.

From the three regimental monuments at Antietam:

First position under artillery fire, about 150 yards north of this point. At 10 a.m. advanced to the Hagerstown Road and became closely engaged.

Center of Regiment at 10:20 a.m. facing West. Part of the right wing was across the road.

Engaged in this position facing West from 11:20 a.m. to about 12 noon.

From the first War Department marker to Gordon’s Brigade in The Cornfield at Antietam:

Gordon’s Brigade formed line at daybreak on the Hoffman farm and advanced in a southerly direction in support of Hooker’s Corps.

The 107th New York was detached to support Cothran’s Battery and the 13th New Jersey was held in reserve. The Brigade formed on either side of Ransom’s Battery on the high ground due east of D. R. Miller’s, where it repulsed an assault of Hood’s Division and its support and, moving south through the Cornfield, changed front to the right and took position behind the ridge parallel to the Hagerstown Pike, where it remained until it was relieved by the advance of Sedgwick’s Division and withdrawn to the East Woods.

From the second War Department marker to Gordon’s Brigade:

Immediately after the withdrawl of Gordon’s Brigade to the East Woods, after being relieved by Sedgwick’s Division, it was ordered to the support of that Division in the West Woods.

The 13th New Jersey and 2nd Massachusetts advanced into this road – the former north and the latter south of this point – where they encountered such a destructive fire from the enemy that they were compelled to retire to the East Woods. Later in the day, the 13th New Jersey advanced into the woods west of the Dunkard Church and took position on the right of Greene’s Division.

September 23-October 30 At Maryland Heights
October 30-
December 10
Picket duty near Sharpsburg, Maryland.
December 10-16 March to Fairfax Station, Va.
January 4-20 Picket duty on the Occoquan
January 20-24 “Mud March”
February At Fairfax Station
April 27-May 6

Chancellorsville Campaign

May 1-5

Battle of Chancellorsville

June 11-July 24

Gettysburg Campaign

July 1-3

Battle of Gettysburg

The regiment was commanded by Colonel Ezra A. Carman. It brought 360 men to the field, losing 1 killed and 20 wounded.

From the monument near Spamgler’s Spring: 

Thirteenth Regiment N.J.V. reached this battle-field 5 p.m. July 1st 1863, and with the brigade went into position on the north side of Wolf Hill. During the night occupied a position in support of Battery M, First N.Y. Artillery. July 2, in morning held position near Culp’s Hill. In afternoon marched to relief of Third Corps near Round Top. At night returned to right of the army. July 3, occupied position marked by this monument, supporting Second Massachusetts and Twenty-seventh Indiana in their charge on Confederate flank. In the evening moved to extreme right to support of Gregg’s Cavalry.

July 5-24 Pursuit of Lee to Manassas Gap, Va.
July 31-August 15 Picket duty at Kelly’s Ford
August-September At Raccoon Ford
September 24-October 4 The 13th New Jersey Infantry Regiment was transferred to the Western Theater. Moved by rail to Stevenson, Alabama. Attached to the Army of the Cumberland.
October Guarded Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad
April Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Corps, Army of the Cumberland
May 1-
September 8

Atlanta Campaign

May 8-11 Demonstration against Rocky Faced Ridge
May 14-15

Battle of Resaca

May 19 Near Cassville
May 22-25 Advance on Dallas
May 25 New Hope Church
May- 26-June 5

Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills

June 10-July 2 Operations about Marietta and against Kennesaw Mountain
June 11-14 Pine Hill
June 15-17 Lost Mountain
June 15

Gilgal or Golgotha Church

June 17 Muddy Creek
June 19 Noyes Creek
June 22 Kolb’s Farm
June 27

Assault on Kennesaw

July 4 Ruff’s Station, Smyrna Camp Ground
July 5-17

Chattahoochie River

July 19-21

Peach Tree Creek

July 22-August 25

Siege of Atlanta

August 26-September 2 Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge
September 2-November 15 Occupation of Atlanta
November 15-December 10

March to the sea

November 26 Sandersville
December 9 Montieth Swamp
December 10-21

Siege of Savannah

January to April

Campaign of the Carolinas

January 17 Brigade train guard
January 27 –
February 10
Division train guard
February 16-17 Occupation of Columbia
March 11 Occupation of Fayetteville, N. C.
March 16 Averysboro
March 19-21

Battle of Bentonville

March 24 Occupation of Goldsboro
April 10-14 Advance on Raleigh
April 14 Occupation of Raleigh
April 26

Bennett’s House

Surrender of Johnston and his army.

April 29-May 19 Marched to Washington, D.C. via Richmond
May 24 Grand Review
June 8 Mustered out near Washington, D.C. under the command of Colonel Carman.