United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to March • April 1863 • to May >

Commanded by:
Major General Carl Schurz (to April 2)
Major General Oliver O. Howard

First Division

Brigadier General Nathaniel C. McLean (to 4/20)
Brigadier General Charles Devens
First Brigade Colonel Leopold Von Gilsa
8th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Felix Prince Salm Salm mustered out 4/23
41st New York Infantry Regiment Major Detleo Von Einsiedel
45th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel George Von Amsberg
54th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Charles Ashby
153rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles Glanz
Second Brigade Colonel John C. Lee (to 4/20)
Brigadier General Nathaniel McLean

17th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Noble
25th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel William P. Richardson
55th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel John C. Lee
75th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Robert Reily
107th Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Seraphim Meyer
Division Artillery
13th New York Independent Battery Captain Julius Dieckman

Second Division

Colonel Adolph Bushbeck (to 4/12)
Brigadier General Adolph Von Steinwehr 

First Brigade Colonel Clemens Soest (to 4/12)
Colonel Adolph Bushbeck
29th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Louis Hartmann
154th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Patrick Jones
27th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Adolph Bushbeck
Lieutenant Colonel Lorenz Cantador
73rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William Moore
Second Brigade Colonel Colonel Orland Smith
Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow

33rd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Adin B. Underwood
134th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles R. Coster
136th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel James Wood
73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Orland Smith
Division Artilley  
1st New York Artillery, Battery I Captain Michael Wiedrich

Third Division

Brigadier General Alexander Schimmelfennig (to 4/2)
Brigadier General Carl Schurz
First Brigade Colonel George Von Arnsburg (to 4/2)
Colonel Alexander Schimmelfennig

82nd Illinois Infantry Regiment Colonel Frederick Hecker
68th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Gotthilf Boury D’Ivernois
157th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Philip P. Brown, Jr.
61st Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty
74th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Adolph Von Hartung (Col. 4/4)
Second Brigade Colonel Wladimir Krzyanowski
58th New York Infantry Regiment Captain Frederick Braun
119th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Elias Peissner
75th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Francis Mahler
26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Jacobs
Division Artillery
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery I Captain Hubert Dilger
West Virginia Artillery, Battery C Captain Wallace Hill to Reserve Artillery (below)

Corps Artillery 

 Lieutenant Colonel Louis Schirmer
2nd New York Independent Battery Captain Hermann Jahn
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery K Captain William L. Debeck
West Virginia Artillery, Battery C Captain Wallace Hill from 3 Div. (sbove)