United States Regiments & Batteries > Massachusetts > 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment

The 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment lost 7 officers and 128 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 2 officers and 132 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by a monument in the National Cemetery in Winchester, Virginia.

August 1 The 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was organized at Worcester under the command of Colonel George D. Wells and Lieutenant Colonel William S. Lincoln.
August 15-17 Moved to Washington, D.C. at Arlington Heights, Va., and attached to the Military District of Washington and Alexandria.
August 22 Moved to Alexandria, Virginia and duty along the line of Orange & Alexandria Railroad.
September 15 Provost and guard duty in Washington at Fort Lyon, Defenses of Washington, D.C. Assigned to Tyler’s Brigade, District of Alexandria, 22nd Corps, Dept. of Washington
July 9 Moved to Maryland Heights and assigned to Department of West Virginia, Maryland Heights Division.
July 14 Occupation of Harper’s Ferry and duty at Harper’s Ferry and Bolivar.
October 18
Action at Berryville
December 10-24 Raid to Harrisonburg, then return to Harper’s Ferry
January Assigned to 1st Division, Department of West Virginia
January 27-
February 7
Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, West Virginia.
February 15 Moved to Cumberland, Maryland.
March 5 Return to Harper’s Ferry, then moved to Monocacy, Maryland.
March 7 To Martinsburg, West Virginia.
April 2 To Harper’s Ferry, and attached to 2nd Brigade, DeRussy’s Division, Defenses South of the Potomac, 22nd Corps
April 17 Moved to Martinsburg, West Virginia. Attached to 1st Division, Department of West Virginia
April 13-May 16

Sigel’s Expedition from Martinsburg to New Market

May 14 Rude’s Hill
May 14-15

Battle of New Market

Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln was wounded and captured. He would later be exchanged and returned to the regiment.

May 24-June 5 Advance to Staunton
June Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia
June 5 Piedmont, Mount Crawford
June 6 Occupation of Staunton. Attached to Martindale’s Command, Garrison of Washington, 22nd Corps
June 17 – 18
Hunter’s Raid on Lynchburg
June 18-29 Retreat to the Gauley
July 5-17 Moved to the Shenandoah Valley and attached to 1st Brigade, Maryland Heights Division, Department of West Virginia
July 17-18 Snicker’s Ferry
July 23-24

Second Battle of Kernstown or Winchester

July 25 Martinsburg
August to

Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign

September 3


September 19

Third Battle of Winchester (Opequan)

September 22

Battle of Fisher’s Hill

October 13

Hupp’s Hill

Colonel George Wells was killed. Lieutenant Colonel William S. Lincoln was promoted to colonel and took command of the regiment.

October 19

Battle of Cedar Creek

October 19 Duty at Kernstown
December 19-23 Moved to Washington, D.C., then to Bermuda Hundred, Vairginia and attached to 1st Brigade, Independent Division, 24th Army Corps, Army of the James
December 25 Siege operations against Richmond and Petersburg in trenches north of the James before Richmond
April 2

Fall of Petersburg

April 3-9 Pursuit of Lee
April 6 Rice’s Station
April 9

Appomattox Court House

Surrender of Lee and his army.

April 12-15 March to Lynchburg
April 15-19 To Farmville and Burkesville Junction
April 22-25 To Richmond and duty there
June 16 The 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment mustered out under the command of Colonel William S. Lincoln.