United States Army > Army of the Potomac

July 1862 • to August >

Commanded by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside

The Ninth Corps was created on July 22, 1862 from the troops of Burnside’s North Carolina Expedition by General Order #125.

First Division

Brigadier General Israel I. Stevens
First Brigade Colonel W. M. Fenton
8th Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel William M. Fenton from Dept. South, District of Beaufort
28th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel William Monteith (res. 8/120 from Dept. South, 2 Div., 1 Brig
50th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Benjamin C. Crist from Dept. South, 2 Div., 1 Brig
Second Brigade Colonel Daniel Leasure
46th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Rudolph Rosa from Dept. South, 2 Div., 2 Brig.
79th New York Infantry Regiment  Colonel Addison Farnsworth from Dept. South, 2 Div., 2 Brig.
100th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel David A. Leckey from Dept. South, 2 Div., 2 Brig.

Second Division

Brigadier General Jesse L. Reno
First Brigade Colonel James Nagle
2nd Maryland infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas B. Allard Dept. North Carolina, 2 Div., 1st Brig.
6th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Simon G. Griffin Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 4th Brig.
48th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Sigfried Dept. North Carolina, 2 Div., 1st Brig.
Second Brigade Colonel Edward Ferrero
21st Massachusettes Infantry Regiment Colonel William S. Clark Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 4th Brig.
51st New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Potter Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 4th Brig.
51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John. F. Hartranft Dept. North Carolina, 2 Div., 1st Brig.

Third Division

Brigadier General John G. Parke
First Brigade Colonel Rush C. Hawkins
9th New York Infantry Regiment Major Edward Jardine Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 4 Brig.
89th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Harrison S. Fairchild Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 4 Brig.
103rd New York Infantry Regiment Major Benjamin Ringold Dept. North Carolina, 2 Div., 1 Brig.
Second Brigade Colonel Edward Harland
8th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Hiram Appleman Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 1 Brig.
11th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry W. Kingsbury Dept. North Carolina, 2 Div., 2 Brig.
4th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Colonel William H.P. Steere Dept. North Carolina, 3 Div., 1 Brig.