The United States Army

< to April • May 1864to June >

Commanded by Major General George Meade


Headquarters Staff
Chief of Staff Major General Andrew A. Humphreys
Chief of Artillery Brigadier General Henry J. Hunt
Chief Engineer
Assistant Adjutant General Brigadier General Seth Williams
Inspector General Colonel Delos B. Sacket
Chief Quartermaster Lieutenant Colonel Rufus Ingalls
Medical Director Surgeon Jonathan Letterman
Bureau of Information Colonel George H. Sharpe
Headquarters escort
Oneida (New York) Cavalry Company Captain Daniel P. Mann
Provost Guard Brigadier General Marsena L. Patrick
1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Cos. C&D
80th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Jacob Hardenberg
3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
68th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
114th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
Engineer Brigade Brigadier General Daniel Woodbury
15th New York Engineer Regiment Major Walter N. Cassin
50th New York Engineer Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William H. Pettes
Regular Engineer Battalion Captain George Henry Mendell

Second Corps

Major General Winfield S. Hancock
1st Division Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow
2nd Division Major General John Gibbon
3rd Division Brigadier General David B. Birney
4th Division Brigadier General John B. Carr (to 5/2)
Brigadier General Gershom Mott
consolidated w/ 3 Div. 5/13

Fifth Corps

Major General Gouverneur K. Warren
1st Division Brigadier General Charles Griffin
2nd Division Brigadier General Henry Baxter (to 5/8)
Colonel Richard Coulter (to 5/9)
Brigadier General Henry H. Lockwood
3rd Division Colonel William McCandless (to 5/1)
Brigadier General Samuel W. Crawford
 discontinued 5/25
4th Division Brigadier General James Wadsworth (mw 5/6)
Brigadier General Lysander Cutler

Sixth Corps

Major General John Sedgwick (k 5/9)
Major General Horatio Wright
1st Division Major General Horatio G. Wright (^ 5/9)
Brigadier General David A. Russell
2nd Division Brigadier General George W. Getty (to 5/6)
Brigadier General Frank Wheaton (to 5/7)
Brigadier General Thomas Neill
3rd Division Brigadier General James B. Ricketts

Ninth Corps

Major General Ambrose E. Burnside
1st Division Brigadier General T. G. Stevenson (to 5/10)
Colonel Daniel Leasure (to 5/12)
Major General Thomas L. Crittenden
2nd Division Colonel S. G. Griffin (to 5/1)
Brigadier General R. B. Potter
3rd Division Brigadier General Orlando B. Wilcox
4th Division Brigadier General Edward Ferrero

Cavalry Corps

Major General Philip H. Sheridan
1st Division Brigadier General A. T. A. Torbert (to 5/7)
Brigadier General Wesley Merritt (to 5/25)
Brigadier General A. T. A. Torbert
2nd Division Brigadier General David McM. Gregg
3rd Division Brigadier General James H. Wilson

Artillery Reserve

Brigadier General Robert O. Tyler
Colonel Freeman McGivery
dissolved and distributed to corps artillery brigades
First Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Freeman McGilvery
1st New Jersey Light Artilery, Battery A to 6 Corps Artillery
6th New York Heavy Artillery Colonel J. Howard Kitching to Kitching’s Brig. 5 Corps
15th New York Heavy Artillery Colonel Louis Schirmer to Kitching’s Brig. 5 Corps
Second Brigade Captain Elijah D. Taft
9th Massachusetts Battery Captain John Bigelow to 5 Corps Artillery
1st New Jersey Light Artilery, Battery B to 2 Corps Artillery
1st New York Artillery, Battery B Captain Robert E. Rogers to 5 Corps Artillery
5th New York Independent Battery Captain Elijah D. Taft to 5 Corps Artillery
15th New York Independent Battery Captain Patrick Hart to 5 Corps Artillery
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery H to 6 Corps Artillery
Third Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Freeman McGilvery
9th Massachusetts Battery Captain John Bigelow to 5 Corps Artillery
1st New York Artillery, Battery C to 5 Corps Artillery
5th United States Artillery, Battery E to 6 Corps Artillery
11th New York Independent Battery to 2 Corps Artillery
12th New York Independent Battery to 2 Corps Artillery
15th New York Independent Battery Captain Patrick Hart to 5 Corps Artillery
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery H to 6 Corps Artillery